Happy Memorial Day! Remember all those who have gone before us that sacrificed their lives for our safety and freedom. I had an uncle, Kenneth Wayne Fare, who was killed in the Korean conflict at age 19. This is also a day to remember our loved ones who have passed before us and that we still miss so badly.
Okay. So this has been an incredibly looonnnng week or so. At the time of the last post, I hadn't had my second chemo. Tuesdays will be "chemo" day for the next six months. Anyhoo, this past Tuesday my Dr. Ghosh decided to add a second kind of chemo, so my infusion session lasted longer. I don't know what was in that second part of the new concoction, but I DID NOT like it. Or rather, it didn't like me. I was in misery from Tuesday to early Sunday morning with extreme constipation. My abdomen hurt so bad. Finally, got over that, but I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to do like the old joke, "Did ya hear about the constipated mathematician? She had to work it out with a pencil!" Sorry, but I did feel really crummy.
And, the hair. OMG It is falling at a very rapid rate. Hair is everywhere. When I went to church yesterday (I only stayed for half of it cause I wasn't feeling the greatest), I noticed I had like a spiderweb mist of loose hanging hair all around me. Gross. I am so glad that Jenna and I went to Jeffrey Scott's salon last week and bought a new wig. It is longer than the three I have from the last cancer go-around. But I wear my hair longer now, and this new piece is more in line with my current style. In real life, it is very close in color to my real color.
I need to name it. You remember my last three wigs were named Rochelle, Roxie, and Rochelle II. Granddaughter Cate suggested i name this one Roseanne (but personally, I am not politically on the same page as Roseanne from TV, so I think not!) I'llthink of something. After all, this thing will be a very close friend of mine for the next six or seven months.
And so, tomorrow will be the third infusion in 15 days. This is a lot harder than last time for some reason. Both new chemo juices are different from last time, so that must be the difference.
The doctor instructed me to eat more green, leafy salads, lots of protein, and yogurt --- or take probiotics. I tried the yogurt, but that stuff sucks!!!!! It tasted like eating sour cream. So probiotics, it will be for me.
I finally am feeling much better. I went out last evening (when it was cooler --- had been around 100 degrees all day) and did a bunch of mowing and some trimming. I wanted our yard to look nice for the holiday. After getting that done, I felt much happier since it makes me nervous to have a messy, shaggy lawn.
So, tomorrow is another chemo day. I'll let you know if it goes well, or --- well, doesn't. Either, way, it has to happen.