Mark and Angel
I read an article in the newspaper yesterday about Football player Adrian Peterson, who whipped his kid with a switch and left injuries on his bottom and scrotum!???????? Now, the big discussion is what is appropriate when disciplining your kids. One man's comment was "The sound of my dad's leather belt clearing belt loops on his jeans was enough for me to fly right." Interesting. Hopefully a little fear was healthy in his case. He had enough respect for his parent to know that he was doing something he shouldn't, and straightened up BEFORE having to get a licking.
I've heard horror stories from people I know, about getting beatings (I mean REAL beatings) over doing absolutely nothing. These parents were control freaks and for some crazy reason, it must have made them feel like they were powerful and could do whatever they wanted with their "property". What these guys neglected to remember was that these kids would grow up and would not have to be submissive to them anymore. The days are coming that as these guys get older, they will need help from their children and guess what? . . . these kids aren't going to be there for them.
As far as I can remember, discipline in my family usually fell on Mom's shoulders. She wasn't much for slapping or whipping anybody. I do remember doing naughty things and getting a swat on the behind, but it never made me mad, because . . . well, I knew darn well that I deserved it. It got my attention, and for the most part, I never repeated that action that earned me the swat. Dad, on the other hand, never, and I mean NEVER laid a hand on any of us kids. Dad had "The Look" down pat. If Mother told Dad about something that warranted punishment and she didn't have the stomach to do it herself, then he would take over. His idea of punishing or warning about never doing something again, was "The Look". He had a way of looking at us and saying a few words about what we had done wrong, and we were totally crushed. I don't know why we were so concerned about his finding out our little misdeeds, because it wasn't as though he was going to smack or kick us. It was "The Look" that we dreaded so much.
I think the funniest confrontation I ever had with my mother was the Raspberry Bush Experience. When I was about five years old or so, I remember getting on Mom's bad side when I spouted off to her best friend, Jean S. Now I still adore Jean to this very day, and I'm sure she never thought twice about what I said, but it embarrassed Mother very much (she was always telling us whenever we went somewhere , "For goodness sake, don't do anything to embarrass me!") Jean S. had a big powerful Boxer dog named Sunday. Sunday always wore a collar with jingling tags so you could hear whenever he was in the area. Us kids were scared to death of Sunday. I don't remember ever being chased or snapped at by him, but never-the-less, we were scared. One day I happened to mention to Jean how we couldn't go outside to play, because her dog was always running around our yard and we were too frightened to venture out. Jean just laughed, but after she went home, Mom told me that was a rude thing to say and came after me to give me a little swat to remember this occasion. In my teeny tiny kid's mind, I remember thinking ' I'm five. SHE"S OLD. I can outrun her. (Actually mother was 29 at the time). So out the door I ran, confident that she would never catch me. Uh . . . golly, Mom was quicker than I had imagined. As I ran, I saw our huge raspberry thicket that had formed into a massive hedge. I'd just duck in there and she'd never think to look there. So into the thicket I wedged myself. Now, think about it, People . . . a thicket - - - with sharp sticky thorns on the branches. I was stuck! Of course Mother did know where I had gone, and calmly walked back to the house, leaving me to think about saying the proper things, and wondering how in the world I was going to pull free from the raspberry thicket.
NOTE: I believe the dog, Sunday, was hit by a car on our country road and killed. Karma????
Here are some pictures that I managed to get put on this post. This is my Autumn display, the wonderful mum plant that Connie F. gave me, a view of the deck about half-way done, my new car (Yippee!), AND MY SILVERY WHITE CAP OF NEW GROWN HAIR!