Will Rogers
No actual meaning behind posting this quote. I just thought it was interesting. Janene
Well, besides being sick with that rotten cough and cold that everyone has had, I got to spend some time with the grand kiddos. A week ago, I had Alec 'cause his school was on Spring Break. This past week, Abby and Cate were off, so I spent four days with them.
I found out some interesting things that have been going on Cate's life. For starters, she is determined to go the USNA (United States Naval Academy) when she graduates in a few years. She attended the STEM program there last summer, where she studied Biology. That program picked one or two kids from each state to go, and she was one of them from Iowa. Without her knowing, there were representatives from several colleges at the academy, eye-balling these kids for future recruiting to their school. How surprised she was when her school Guidance Counselor stopped her and told her she didn't appreciate getting Cate's personal mail coming to her office. Cate didn't know what she was talking about. Apparently, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, George Washington and a few other schools were sending notices to the school, trying to get info on her to get her to apply with each one of them. A person from Harvard came and did a preliminary interview with her. However, her heart is set on the Naval Academy. She plans on going to boot camp the summer before her Senior year. To do so, she will have to cut her long, LOOOOOONG hair to shoulder length, which is quite a thought. For a regular Mid-western girl, she has done a lot so far in her life. A few years ago, she spent three weeks in Europe with a group of kids, spreading goodwill and learning about other cultures. She fell in love with Paris and the French, (which is odd, because most people say the French are kinda snooty). Oh, well, she likes to smooze with anybody and doesn't go looking for the negative side of people.
Little Miss Abby surprised me when she started reading Shakespeare to me. She gets these comic book-like books from her school, which have the original works of Shakespeare and then at the bottom on the pages, it explains in our plain English what the meaning is behind the work. She says she loves reading it in the Old English form and loves Shakespeare. Okay. Interesting. I have never understood or been interesting in Will, personally.
One day this week, we went to the movies and saw Insurgent, the sequel to a another movie. Abby couldn't wait to see it, since she had just read the novel. She is obsessed with reading and it is funny to see this little gal hunched over a big, fat book, lost in another world. Good for you, Sweetie.
Remember me mentioning that several of the girls from my old high school are taking photos of them "pole-dancing" (or just standing by a pole), in preparation of our 45th class reunion this year. Why, I still haven't figured out why, but I'm game if they are. Well, this past week, the girls and I went to the old general store in our hometown which is now a museum, and when we came out Cate and I posed by the old metal poles that hold up the awing in front of the store. Abby had dashed to the care since it was kinds chilly. Whimp. Anyhoo, please note my granny-like seductive pose where I hook my ankle fetchingly around the pole. That's about all I have left anymore. sigh
After we left there, we proceeded up the school where Lon, me, both my kids, several uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews, and even a great-niece have all gone to school. The girls had never seen where their dad had attended school, and they got a kick out of it.
Latest word on niece Heather is that she is doing super!!! What a champ!
That's about it for now.