Waylon Jennings (quote from Penny Marshall's autobiography)
Okay, where was I? Sorry I had to take a short pause . . . well, not exactly short. Two weeks. Went down to Florida to take care of some business. I am so happy that Jenna let you know that I was slightly incommunicato for a while. Just got back this morning about 1 AM. We had to drive through that awful snowstorm in Missouri and when we hit the Iowa border, it was a solid wall of fog. We were driving about 36 miles per hour at times. When we finally got home, we dragged our sorry butts into the house, dropped our bags and went to bed. I always make sure to have fresh sheets on the bed to come home to, and this year I had lovely warm flannel sheets that Dan and Tami had given us. That felt so good!!!! Fortunately (or unfortunately) the house was toasty warm, 'cause we had forgotten to lower the thermostat when we left. Oooops.
I had to laugh at the irony of something as we made our way home. When we stopped at a gas station by the Iowa/Missouri line, a truck pulled up next to us and I heard a familiar screeching from a lady sitting in the front seat. Now this is about eleven-ish in the evening, and someone is calling out my husband's name. It turned out to be friend Sue B. just returning from a Tampa vacation! She had been staying about 30 miles away from us! Anyhoo, they were trying to get home through the messy weather, too.
It was nice to be in warm weather. I even mowed the yard last Tuesday, and then worked in the flower beds. We enjoyed watching the dolphins swimming right up next to the seawall in the backyard. I tried getting some pictures of them, but was usually too late. I had Hubby take of picture of my two sis-in-laws and me standing by the water, but it appears that he is about as good a photographer as me, 'cause he got Zonna and part of Nina, and I think my arm. Whatever. That's the story of my life. I have two baby pictures (both with my face turned away from the camera), and about twenty more pictures sprinkled throughout my life. That's about it. Except for the selfies I have taken of my different stages of hair growth. What a legacy!!! LOL (Hey, just posted the pictures and I guess Hubby did an okay job after all - my bad).
Talked to sis Sandy today, and she said niece Heather had her first chemo treatment and came through it like a champ! Her second session is this coming Tuesday. Thanks for all the good thoughts and especially the prayers. I know first hand that those REALLY help.
I have survived being in the "White Conspiracy" club. We sold "Snowball", the white car we had in Florida. For the short time I was a member, I am proud to say that I never divulged any club secrets. Perhaps that is because I don't know what the heck the secrets were 'cause nobody (that drives white vehicles) is talking. Sigh
This post's quote is from the front of Penny Marshall's (Laverne & Shirley) autobiography. If you get a chance to read it, it's worth it. There are two different sections of the book that were exceptionally funny, I was absolutely laughing so hard, I was crying! I was reading it on the way home from FLA and sis-in-law Nina must have thought I was nuts, when I tried to tell her why I was laughing but couldn't get the words out.
I wanted to post a few photos of the kids (with Jenna and me) making snowmen and a snow fort and sledding earlier this month, and a few shots of the dolphins. Use your imagination, and maybe you can actually see them.