It's the day after Christmas 2018. All is quiet around here. But we had a blast on Christmas Eve with the whole family down at The Woodbridge Building.
The protocol for stepping UP is: step up with your good leg first. Okay. I stepped up onto the running board with my good leg. However, it was still too far from the seat for me to perch my fanny on it, and gradually lift my injured leg. So, I did what I would have naturally done. I gave a little hop to boost me up so I could reach the seat. Did you get that info? I hopped on my bad leg!!!!!! DO NOT EVER HOP ON A BROKEN LEG!!!!. Never, ever, ever!!!! Holy cow, it felt like I had broken it all over again, only this hurt way worse. Sooo, after getting all my stuff done with Christmas, I am now concentrating on resting my injury to let it heal again.
I am so tired of limping around and trying to keep my balance, so I don't step wrong and ZING! the pain in my leg is horrendous. I have so much to do, and what little I can do, takes ten times longer than usual. I was changing the bedding in the guest room after son Dan went back home to Minnesota. It took me a half hour to get the fitted sheet, flat sheet, and blanket on. Just as I was putting the comforter on, I realized that I had not put the clean mattress pad on first. Duh. So, I started over. I figure that after I put the pillow cases on four pillows, I had used up an hour. jeeze!
So far, I haven't put any real pictures of me lying on the floor right after I fell. Nor any pics of my X-rays, which are real doozies. But I did draw a reasonable reenactment starring Little J. for your amusement.
Recently, I was looking at the photo where the EMTs had cut my pant leg off to get to the owie. That's when I realized that those were the brand new jeans that I have been looking for. jeeze, the first time I wore them, they got destroyed. oh, well.
Anyhoo, things are going pretty good with the cancer treatment. I am now working on the six months of the systemic chemotherapy, which is basically taking daily pills and then going into the oncology office for blood tests once a week. All do-able.
Hey, remember when I was saying that cancer people get gifts from family and friends to cheer them up? Look at these.
Does that mean that when I meant to just walk across the room, I changed direction and fell SPLAT! facedown on the floor? Or, maybe it means that I am changing direction from being a cripple and working to get back to normal. I like that one better.
The yellow card is another Gems Of Hope message. "THE HARDER YOU FALL, THE HIGHER YOU BOUNCE". Hope so.
And . . . someone (we have no clue who) put a "thoughtful" gift on the seat of Hubby's truck. We suspect it was left for me to aid in my recuperation.