Positive Energy
For all of you out there who are NOT related to me or are NOT very close friends . . . I say "Congratulations!". The new club that I have established (The Damaged Goods Club) consists of friends and family who have recently undergone surgery or some type of doctor's treatment for several types of boo boos. I have the friend who had brain surgery after a fall on concrete, and another friend and his wife who hit a deer, at 2:00 AM, while riding a motorcycle, and suffered numerous broken bones and deep abrasions. A lady friend of mine has been going through some horrendous surgeries for cancer, and has been a real champ throughout that whole trauma. Then, sister Judy had two operations on her feet, and sister Sandy underwent a knee replacement and a hip replacement all in a two months' time. I, personally, underwent getting sliced and diced when cancerous lymph nodes were removed from my left underarm. Now, sister Karen has joined the club.
A few weeks ago, Karen and her husband were shopping in Wa . . . wait. . . let's just say America's biggest big box store. As Karen was walking down one of the main aisles, what should appear? but a big, low rolling cart piled high with pallets full of merchandise. The woman moving the cart was not pulling it, which is the correct procedure. Instead, she was pushing it, fast, with no one in front to guide her. She appeared out of one of the side aisles and ran into my sister. This sent Karen flying, landing on her hip, and dislocating her shoulder. An ambulance was called and she was hauled off to the hospital to get fixed. She is still not 100% and probably never will be. So, keep your eyes peeled for a huge pile of pallets heading your way when you are out shopping. Just think, if that had been a child who was hit, no telling what the outcome would have been.
Things are going pretty good. Jenna went Christmas shopping for me and got a lot of my list covered. I don't know what I would do without her. Sis-in-law Zonna stopped by after church and brought me a wonderful tin of Christmas cookies, a nice card, and a loaf of banana bread that the church ladies made. How thoughtful! I can't wait until I can go to services myself, but sitting in a regular chair would be kinda challenging right now.
Next Thursday, I go to the orthopedic surgeon to get my leg X-rayed to see how the bone is knitting. It really feels pretty good, but the muscles on the inside of my right knee hurt like heck. I think that was one spot I landed on and perhaps the bone was bruised. Anyway, I'm doing good.
This is the third day of my new systemic chemotherapy which will last six more months. Three pills each for fourteen days, then seven days off, then fourteen days on, and keep repeating. I'm not sure how the hair growth is going to turn out. First, I was told this session of chemo wouldn't cause hair loss, and then I found out it may make the one-half inch of white sproutlets that I have managed to grow, to fall out . . . again! Come on. I am so sick of getting up in the morning, looking in the mirror, and seeing V.P. Mike Pence looking back at me! It is even more realistic if I happen to have a little mascara smudge going on under my eyes. ewww. I DO NOT want to look like Mike Pence!
OH! I forgot to tell you that I was able to get in and vote in the mid-terms. Remember how I kept nagging everyone to be sure and vote? Well, I had to have Hubby push me into the voting hall in a wheel chair, but I did it!. Personally, if I had had to crawl in there, I would have, just to make sure I got my vote in!
Sorry if I sound like a Debbie Downer, but I'm sure things will get better and I will chipper up a bit in the future. Please enjoy this holiday season and make it a very happy time for you and your families. Life is short. Make the most of every day.