No, I would never back up and drive from the scene of an accident. Really. But here's what did happen.
Actually, I backed into an accident. It was a completely avoidable accident that I managed to make happen . . . down my own lane . . . right outside my own house.
Saturday I spent the day at an auction and bought enough stuff to make three trips to my house to unload all my goodies. I got an excellent filing cabinet, a nice patio set, and some storage cupboards for the art room at Woodbridge. After storing all this stuff in the garage, I was tired and anxious to get my car parked and go sit down in the house for a few minutes. I was in such a hurry to back down my lane from the garage to the parking space I use, that I really gunned the motor and sped backwards. Unfortunately, I turned the steering wheel just a tiny, teensey titch to the right, which sent my car directly to disaster.
Let's see. I took out one . . . no, two mailboxes, a newspaper box, a county fire house number sign, and slightly(?) damaged a telephone company pedestal. As you can see, MY mailbox was mashed flat and I had to work and work to get my mail out. I could have used the Jaws of Life thingy.
Hubby was gone deer hunting for a few days, and when he got home and asked me how everything went, I simply stayed calm, while I blurted out, "I love you!" And his answer was, "What . . did . . . you . . . do?"
MY neighbor, whose mailbox, paper box and address sign were killed in this tragedy, was soooo nice. He just said, "That's okay, Sweetheart. No one was hurt." What a guy! Anyhoo, Hubby has been working for the last few hours rebuilding and replacing boxes.
Just looking at these pictures shows how dreary and dull this time of year is with no color or sunshine. Boooo!!
It is in the high 60's today, but the weather channel says tomorrow will be a high of mid 30's. I wish Spring were just starting. Oh well. There is Christmas to look forward to. Crap! That's right! Christmas is like three weeks away. I had better get hopping to it and get some things done.
Talk to ya later.