Simple (this was posted on
Facebook by friend Karen Balderston and I
thought it was cool.
Tomorrow the "alien" returns. I will be getting a new port put in. Last time I had it on the right side of my chest, just under the collarbone. That worked out good, so I hope they put it there again. I call it an "alien" because it felt so out-of-this-world having a hard, squarish object riding around under the skin and on the front of me. It was wonderful to have, because the chemo treatments went so much easier. The Tech would simple put the IV needle next to it, and a magnet would direct the needle into the insertion hole under the skin, and VOILA! Or at least I think that was the procedure. Anyhoo, it worked great. There was no wear and tear on jabbing into my veins each time. Easey peasey. AND, when it came time to remove it, I was simply numbed up and the doctor slit the skin, and dug it out like removing a bullet from my chest. Didn't hurt and healed quickly. I remember tell the surgeon as he pulled that sucker out that it felt like birthing an alien (like in the movie). He made a flourish of holding it up and saying, "it's a . . . " He never did finish. I still don't know if it was a boy or a girl. hmmmm
Yesterday I mowed my huge yard, and then mowed Woodbridge's huge yard. I did get my yard trimmed up, which now looks great. We've had enough rain that everything is green and lush, and looks very "park-like". I need to get out and plant some more hostas today, since after tomorrow, I am not supposed to use my arm for two or three days. Yipes! I still have Little Ma's yard, and our lot on Front Drive, and the shop land to mow. Maybe this afternoon. It is currently cold and dreary this morning. BLAH!!! Just enough to make you want to wrap up in a blanket and park it in front of the TV.
Uh. . . maybe it is autumn already. We did have a few hot days. That must have been our Iowa summer, and then we blasted right past that to a cold, damp autumn . . . again. crap
Before leaving to go visit Hubby's aunt yesterday, he had me stop so he could snap a photo. Nothing special.
Okay, so I will keep ya posted on how things go tomorrow. Talk later.