James Allen
Good morning on a beautiful day.
Yesterday was my second chemotherapy treatments. Note that I said "treatments". After a long discussion with my wonderful Dr. Ghosh and Nurse Practitioner Mindy, we are now going to Plan B. I wasn't expecting that we would need a plan B . . . but here we go.
Dr. was out of town when I headed back to the clinic last week to start on this unexpected journey again after 4 1/2 years, so another colleague had surmised what was going on. When Dr. Ghosh returned, he read all the data on my case and began to think outside the box. He's very good at that. He looks at things from all directions and reads voraciously on every single new idea about curing cancer.
Yesterday, we decided to add another chemo to the cocktail. The first one, that I will continue taking, is more mild than the high-octane three kinds from my original breast cancer were. Therefore, (I know . . . I know. . . I am a shallow person) I was NOT expected to lose my hair this time. Yay!!!! Now, it's a given with this new powerful chemo juice added, the hair will probably be gone in a couple of weeks. Last time, I managed to keep most of my mop for 2 or 3 months, but I guess it's time to pull the wigs out. Hey, perhaps I should have a contest to see who can pick the day, hour, and minute that the last sprig of my hair gently floats to the floor, and I again look like Mr. Clean. Think about it.
So to recap yesterday's appointment. After giving blood, having it tested, and then having a long discussion with my team, (1 hour), my scheduled 30 minute infusion turned into a 2 hour session. I was first given three kinds of anti-nausea stuff (25 minutes) then first chemo dope (30 minutes) and last the new chemo dope (1 hour). That is why I am calling this Plan B., since we changed from one infusion to three treatments (once every three weeks). These people do not wait around wasting time. They jump right in and do it immediately, even if you are not expecting it or have planned for it. If they think every minute counts, they will make time to get the right things done. Great people, I have. But I was pooped!
There is a ton of stuff I want to get done NOW NOW NOW! But I will pace myself. The landscaping at the WoodBridge Building is looking better every day. I discovered some beautiful ferns that are growing on the north end of some of our property. I think I will dig some up and place them around some huge boulders that Hubby put in by the well pit. That will doll it up a bit. I need to get a sign ordered for the building. And until we can figure out if the government is going to keep Medicaid waiver payments cut in half, we will go to our own Plan B.. (Jenna and I have decided that when everything falls into place, it will be because that is what is intended to happen. Never fear, we also have Plan C., Plan D. . . . you get the idea) I am writing up a simple contract and am going to rent out the building for baby/wedding showers, business meetings, family reunions, small banquets, etc., to help as far as paying the utilities, and make good use of the building until all the paperwork can be figured out.
I also want to start cleaning closets, basement, and my car and truck!! My Dad always kept his vehicles spotless. Hmmm . . . wish I had inherited that trait. Oh, and the mowing!!! Dang, but I have a lot of mowing and trimming to do in this town. Had to have Hubby replace the belt on the John Deere and he still needs to put on a new set of blades ( I hit a lot of rocks). Oh, and my dermatologist said I have to wear a hat when I am outside, 'cause I have such light colored hair (sunburn on the head creates skin cancer), plus I have blue eyes, so I could end up with even more sun damage on my face. That makes me a candidate for more trouble, which I personally don't need right now. Anyhoo, I found this cool hat at Lowe's by the garden department. It is a khaki colored with a brim, a string under the chin, and looks really park-rangerish, but it fits, and does the job. Sister Sandy had previously given me a wonderful straw hat for outdoor work, but the brim is lightweight enough, the wind keeps blowing it off my head. Still love it, though.
That's about it for now. Life is getting a little bit too interesting. But we will manage. :)