Well, it's been a while since I've sat down and had time to fiddle with this blog. Nothing earth-shaking going on . . . just regular life. I did get my fluffies (hair) trimmed last week. It was getting long enough that I was starting to look like Buckwheat from the Little Rascals movies, except my hair color is silvery white, not black. The gal that trimmed it was surprised at how thick it is. She took off approximately one inch, and kinda straightened up the raggedy ends. Lon is not thrilled at the fact that my curls have disappeared, but whadda do?
I am very disappointed at not being able to post the pictures that I took at Christmas time, showing all my family wearing dark turtleneck tops and posing wearing Roschelle. My plan was to put up a gallery of all the pictures and then you had to pick out which one was the real Janene. Believe me, those pictures were hysterical. Jenna's friend, Mike, has a black beard, and wearing that wig was too funny. Dan looked like Brad Pitt from the 70's. Lon looked like the actor who played the principal on Ferris Bueller's Day Off movie. Alec looked like a very unhappy, slightly chubby little girl, Abby was wearing a really goofy smile, Cate and Jenna actually looked pretty darn good, and Dan's Tammy . . . well, I told her to keep her pretty, long, shiny brown hair, 'cause she just can't pull it off as a blonde. For some reason, I can download all the pictures on my camera chip except for those few of my "models".
I am really looking forward to Spring coming, this year. It's about this time that I get kinda depressed and feel gloomy. I can't wait until I can open windows and maybe paint some walls this year. And I look forward to using my new steam carpet cleaner. I have white (yes . . . I said white) carpet in my family room and it looks really good, but I want to keep it that way. Sis-in-law Jill has the most amazing looking carpets in her house. She has two dogs, but her rugs always look brand new. She did admit, however, that she has gone through about six carpet cleaners over the years, so that shows maintenance is the key.
I stopped at sister Judy's new house last week, and got the tour. Very, very nice. While I was there, she gave me a beautiful Morganite, Safira and diamond ring which is a white/clear stone with pink stones and diamonds. Then sister Sandy sent me a box of goodies, including the full set of the Zumba program, since I have been crabbing about putting some weight back on. (My most current medication that needs to be taken for the next five years has some crummy side effects such as weight gain, which I think I already snarled about to you all). So,once again, I am telling you about more lovely gifts that I have received.
Well, I had better get crackin' with more of my year-end book-work . . . whoopee . . .