Lyrics from "ALREADY GONE" by the Eagles
It must be the time for Oliphant "near misses". I was getting on I380 today and low and behold, there at the end of the on-ramp and just going onto the interstate, was a bunch of those big orange barrels that indicated that the lane was closed. However, some numbskull had put the barrels so close to the entrance that you immediately were driving into the middle busy lane with no time to transition.Of course, there was a semi right in the next lane and couldn't get over, sooooo it was either get run over by the truck or hit one of the barrels. I hit a barrel, got stopped and eventually got back into traffic.Cate, who was with me, probably thought that we were goners.
After I picked up Abby from Discovery camp, we were getting back on the interstate by St. Lukes Hospital, and guess what???? There was the same barrel setup closing off the right lane. When you have no where
to go and shoot right into heavy traffic, it ain't pretty.I ended up swerving out of the path of yet another semi, crossed between 2 of the barrels and ended up on the right side of the closed lane.A car right behind us didn't realize that there was no place to go and followed me. We almost got hit good in the backside. By then, Cate, who just has her driver's permit, must have thought that she could do a better job driving then old Grandma. So if you are driving the I380, be careful!!!! Having 2 near-misses in one day was not fun.
Geez, either life is boring as all get-out or else the drama is oozing all over the place.
When Jenna picked up Alec yesterday I kinda pulled my wig (Roschelle) up to let in a little cool air.Of course, Jenna kept telling me to let her see my baldy head. I finally actually showed her. She remarked that it didn't look bad at all, but I think she got tears in her eyes. It IS an emotional situation when you are talking about a woman losing her hair. But we will get over it - - - eventually. :)
I noticed that she liked running her hand over my head and feeling all the stubbles. Oy vey. (I've got to quit saying "oy vey" because people will think that I'm Jewish, and I'm not. I just like saying it). I just don't want to offend anyone.
Sure hope that something interesting - but good - happens tomorrow. "/ See ya.