Robert Gary Lee
I'll get to the gross thing in a minute. And if you are a queasy kind of person, don't bother looking at what's later in the blog.
The quote for today is referring to my falling down and breaking my . . . well, you know. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and he took some x-rays to see if anything is cracked or broken. I will see him again this morning to find out if it is just a big owie or if it's something more. Actually, I am feeling much better but it still hurts to sit. I might have to get one of those "doughnuts" that people use when they have 'roids. Ya know? So, my lesson in wisdom is that once you get healed, remember to NOT DO THE SAME STUPID THING AGAIN! I promise to never wear smooth soled tennis shoes while running down carpeted steps. Amen.
Okay, now for the disgusting thingy.
Have you ever found something . . .shall we say . . . unusual in any of your foodstuffs? Like opening a box of cereal and finding something suspiciously hard and not really identifiable and it is definitely NOT cereal? What about those stories you hear about a person opening a can of vegetables and finding someone's cut off finger? Nope, me neither. Then, there was yesterday.
The doctor had told me that I would be more comfortable if I stood more than I sat, so I decided to clean out my refrigerator. No big deal, right? Then . . . I took out a can of tomato juice. It was one of those big cans that holds enough to make chili soup. I had used some of it the week before and had stuck the rest in the frig. Yesterday, I decided I wouldn't use what little was left, so I began to pour the remainder into the sink. I always use a "beer can" type opener and punch holes in two sides of the top of cans so I can pour the contents out, without having to use the electric opener and cut all around the top. Well, when pouring the rest of the juice out, the hole became plugged. I kinda reached in and starting pulling something out. It was like really solid fat tallow. Yuck! I managed to get quite a bit out. But then there came (oh man!) a really hard piece of something. That's when I cut the whole lid off the can to see what was actually in there. People! There was something in there that I can't even really describe. There was a chunk of hard black and green whatever. Red stuff, yellow stuff, brown stuff!!
I looked at the can and called the company's complaint line. I explained to the lady what had happened and she is sending me a "collection kit" so they can see exactly what this mystery thingy is! It's not as though the tomato juice was ancient. The expiration date was July 22, 2018!!!!
What's creepy is the fact that about the time of using this product, I had a slight case of food poisoning. I thought perhaps I had gotten it was from a restaurant that we had gone to. (Jenna always scolds me about eating anywhere where there is a sneeze guard over the food). Now that I think about it, it possibly came from the mystery "parts" in the juice. Aye Yi Yi!
Look closely at the picture and see if you can tell what this is. I only saved about four large tablespoons worth. I had flushed some of it down the sink before I realized that there was going to be a lot more coming from the can, and that I should save it all.