C. H. Parkhurst
It's true. I woke up and my eyeliner was smudged under my eyes, giving me that "dark circled eyes" look that Uncle Fester from the Adams Family television show had. Yipes! I sure do resemble a lot of TV celebrities - - - Mr. Clean, Uncle Fester, Telly Savales, even little Caillou, and Charlie Brown from the cartoons.
Tomorrow starts the official "watching of the grandkids for the summer". I already had Alec Friday, and he helped me shop at Fareway. I noticed at one point, that he was lovingly holding and touching a can of vanilla frosting. I told him to please put it back, since I didn't need it. Guess what I found when I got home? Yup, vanilla frosting. That little stinker had snuck it into my grocery cart, thinking that I would NEVER notice.
I need to see if Miss Abby wants to come this week, since big sister Cate is away. It would be fun to have her around for awhile.
Lon and I went to Dad's farm yesterday and mowed the yard and trimmed around everything. It started to rain just as we got done. What timing! I can't get over how windy it is out there. I think someone once wanted to put a wind farm out there and that would probably be a great idea. Last winter, when we went out to plow out Dad's driveway, I hopped out of the truck to go into the house to visit with Dad while Lon plowed. When I opened the truck door, one of my good gloves blew out and went out across the field. I thought I would never see that again. Just a few weeks ago, Lon found it laying behind the machine shed. Evidently the wind had changed and blew it back.
My sunflowers are sprouting up nicely. When I get some blooms going, I will post a picture. Jenna said hers aren't doing so well, but maybe they will make a rebound.