Theodore Roosevelt
Happy Fourth of July. It's even more wonderful because the weather outside is amazing.
We already had a fantastic fireworks experience last night when one of our neighbors put on quite a display in his big backyard green space. Hubby, Alec, and I just sat on the deck and enjoyed it.
Remember that song that goes, "Real live nephew of my Uncle Sam, born on the Fourth of July"? Well, I am a real live niece of my Uncle Everett Jack, who was born on the Fourth of July along with his twin brother, Ernie Junior., who is now deceased. Happy Birthday to Everett and Ernie.
Actually, there have been a bunch of birthdays in the family lately. Brother Ken (who I call Reverend Kenny) on June 8th, Alec on June 27th, Nina (my BFSILPIC - Best friend, sister-in-law, partner-in-crime) has two granddaughters born in June, and Big sister Karen whose day was June 30th. She turned mumble mumble mumble this year. Out of respect and love, I did not call Karen and sing Happy Birthday, like my other sisters. For some reason, Sandy and Judy insist on calling family members and screeching and wailing . . . I mean, singing . . . over the phone. (Don't tell them I said this, but they really aren't very good singers). shhhhh
Woodbridge Haven is going forth. The builder will start in September or early October. Lots of amazing people have been helping us plan our programs, work out our strategy for fund-raising (when the time is right), and deciding how the building is going to look. Hubby has done a ton of work cleaning the site. It looks so beautiful now.
Oh, and I got my pumpkin seeds planted. And they are coming up! I check on my babies everyday. Even if we just get a small amount this year, it will be okay. We will use them for decorating and yardscapes. But NEXT year, I plan on having a really sizable pumpkin patch to raise money for our cause.
All together . . . CAN WE DO IT? YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!
NOTE: A friend of ours stopped by and told us that unfortunately, his mother has joined the "C' Club. She has three-stage breast cancer and it has traveled to other organs. Not good.
A few posts back, I mentioned that two women I know who had breast cancer, quit taking their meds that stop the development of estrogen, because of painful side effects. The purpose for the pills is to squelch the development of estrogen which is like fertilizer for cancer cells. Cancer feeds on it, and if a patient has any tiny little sparkles of bad cells floating around, this could stir things up again. In that recent post, I said that you just can't stop taking that med until your five years is up. Well . . . I stopped taking it. Just for two weeks. I was having severe pain in my legs. Literally, my thigh bones and leg muscles hurt so badly, that I had trouble walking. From the moment I got out of bed in the morning, I was toddling around, pain in every step. It got to the point where it was very hard to walk. So, I decided to stop taking the pills for a while. And my legs began to feel better. I had to concentrate on every step I took, to try and look like I was walking naturally, but it was still an effort to get around.
Then, after two weeks, I had a horrible dream in which I was crying and lamenting that my cancer had come back in full force, and I was wishing I could go back in time and continue the program that I had been on. If only I had another chance, maybe the cancer wouldn't have come back.
When I woke up, you had better believe that I popped one of my pills immediately. I'll let ya know how things work out.
Enjoy any fireworks you see tonight.