Og Mandino
Yup, kids, it's Super Bowl Sunday. Hubby went to a pre-game party to play a few hands of cards, and then will be home. I only seem to enjoy the commercials. I don't even know who is playing. You can tell that I'm not much of a sports fan. Whatever.
Went to lunch with my girls yesterday. Jenna, Cate, and Abby. We had a really good time!.
Abby told me something that I thought was really sweet. Evidently, when she is in class, she absent-mindedly twirls her hair around one finger. A boy at her school told her when she does that, it looks like she is twirling spun gold. Her hair is quite curly - - - she just brushed it straight for the picture. Anyway, I thought it was nice of him to tell her what he had observed. Earlier, I was listening to one of the music stations on the TV and found the "Moldy Oldie Goldie" station and started reminiscing about my high school years. What an innocent, fun time that was. Hubby came in the door just as they were playing "our" song - - - Tommy James singing "I Think We're Alone Now". What a pretty song. I had to laugh at the lyrics to that wonderful old song by Pat Boone, "April Love". Did you realize that it says something like, "April showers bring flowers for her FIRST bouquet." ?????? What tha....? First? Was he saying that she was going to have a do-over with some other guy some day and get a SECOND bouquet? I thought back then they meant forever - - - only one wedding per couple. The wording sounded kinda jenky to me. Hey, I am plugging a product out that that I tried last night. I said my computer (which is getting old) has been acting up so I bought one of those FIXME STICKs and so far it seems to be doing a pretty good job. I am a little worried that my old enemy, Virtigo, is trying to come back. It seems like it always hits me about this time of year. When it starts, my world begins to spin big-time and I walk to the right - right - right. Remember? Anyhoo, I am being very careful to not turn my head to the right when I am lying down because that is what seems to get it started. It's gotten so I can feel it trying to hit, so I have a few seconds to turn my head and look straight forward. Yuck. I also had a funny moment yesterday. My regular GP's office called and wanted to set up an appointment for my yearly exam. The girl also asked me if I wanted her to make me an appointment for a mammogram. I was laughing when I informed her that that wouldn't be necessary - - - ever again. No more of those since I got me these new-fangled fake breasts. Such is life. I may off the grid for a while. Need to go and do some things. I will ask Jenna to post anything of importance that may come up during my absence. Think good thoughts, and, oh yeah, GO COWBOYS - - - OR REDSKINS - - - OR BRONKOS . . . or whoever is playing tonight. GOD BLESS YOU ALL | |