Mike Vacanti
Lots of stuff has been happening.
First off, the bad news. I talked to sister Judy and she said that after going in for a check-up after her breast surgery, it was discovered that they did not get all the cancer. She is doing both radiation and chemo for a while and then it will be determined what happens next. Crap!
Nice things that happened in the last few weeks are all social events (that really don't mean anything to you all out there, but they were fun). Like. . .going to sister Sandy's house for a visit and lunch with Judy, Aunt Kate, and cousin Rosie (who I hadn't seen in about 25 years!). Dan and his wife were here from Minnesota this past weekend so that they could attend the wedding of our friends, Ken and Jessie.
The latest important news is that Jenna and I have decided to make a really big effort to get on with our plans to start a day-hab center for autistic people who have "aged" out of the day-care or school period of their lives. It is really scary to look around and see that there are very few places for these l8-and-up persons to go to during the day. The parents may still need to work during the day, or they have become too old to tend to their loved ones in the way that is needed.
We met with some people, who in turn, hooked us up with other knowledgeable people, and on and on we go in our search for all the answers to the questions that are coming up. It is really exciting to be working on this project and imagining what a difference it could make in these citizens' lives. Our dream is to provide a place where they are treated with kindness, respect, and friendship, while doing things that would enrich their lives and make them eager to meet each day. So many people in their position are stuck in places where they are parked in front of a TV and do little but wait for mealtimes so that there is a break in the monotony of their day.
It is going to take a ton of work, blood, sweat, and tears (and I haven't even mentioned money), but we are going to do our very best to make this happen. We are fortunate to already have the land, but deciding on the size of building, the lay-out, planning for future expansion, deciding on how many clients we would start out with, etc. is confusing. Everyone we have talked to is really on-board with the idea. Goodness knows there is a need for facilities like this. Referring to the quote on this post, if diamonds are made under pressure, than our project will be quite a shining beauty.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if this takes off so well that we have to expand? Whoo whoo! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we can actually make this happen.
I was listening to the truck radio the other day and the song "Soul On Fire" was playing. (Google it. . .it's wonderful). I told Jenna that the thought "GOAL On Fire" was how I am feeling right now, 'cause I am fired up about reaching our goal. :)
Speaking of my truck, (you remember the little white one that I just got?), well, we decided to name it
"Dough Boy". Perhaps I already mentioned some of the names of other white vehicles that are in our family - - - Jenna (Yetti), Zonna (White Lightening), our recently sold station wagon (Snow Ball). Of course, everyone in our family names their vehicles regardless of what color they are. Such as "Sharon", "Pearl", "Toby", "Roy", "Ruby", and "Old Green". Uh. . .after rereading what I just wrote, it makes my family sound a tad bit weird. Whatever.
Other than that, I can only say that I am looking forward to the major celebrating everyone is going to do tonight when the election IS FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!. I. . .AM. . .SO. . .SICK. . .OF. . .POLITICS.