Yesterday was my sweet daughter's birthday. She started her day off by walking with a friend, in the march for suicide awareness. I'm sorry, I can't remember the exact name of the organization as my brain cells seem to be dissipating more and more on a daily basis. (darn all that aspertame that I drank in diet soda all these years!). Next she had lunch with two friends, then popped out to see us for a little bit. Later, she and I had planned on going out for dinner, but since we had both eaten a late lunch, we just weren't hungry. She decided that maybe we could catch the 8 o'clock performance at The Giving Tree Theater, so we dashed over there. A Streetcar Named Desire was showing and it was a wonderful experience. Love that place.
The day our girl was born was one of the super dooper highlights of my entire life. When she was born, Hubby looked at her and said. "She's beautiful!" in such an awe-struck voice. And that she was. . .and is to this day.
Another one of my "September Joys" is Tuesday, when my wonderful Cate turns 18. That was another top-notch day in my life. We looked into each other eyes and made a connection from the very first day. What a mop of black hair she had (and her head had a bit of a cone-head appearance from being pulled out. . . but that has long gone away LOL). Now she is planning on college. Time flies.
AND tomorrow will be son Dan's first wedding anniversary. It was a beautiful day then, and it looks like it will be gorgeous this year, too.
Lots of things are rolling along in our lives. I have been kept busy trying to keep all the lawns mowed and trimmed. If I turn my back on any of them, the grass gets away from me and then it is such a chore to get things looking good again. The season is turning again, and I have put out another Fall "lawn-scape" with my bale of straw and fall silk flowers. I need to pick up a couple of pumpkins to add to the mix and then it will be done.
One thing happening (hopefully) is a MAJOR project that Jenna and I are working on for the future. I'm not going into any details yet, just in case it doesn't get off the ground. Something exciting is brewing. We are even having trouble sleeping, 'cause we keep thinking about it and coming up with more and more ideas for this project. A while back, I told her if she had something she wanted to do in her lifetime to go ahead and dream big. Well, for us, this IS big. The preparation for this project is huge, but if we can pull it off, it will be worth it. How's that for tell you a whole bunch of no information? We plan on taking it slowly, and making smart decisions, so it may be a while before I have any more news concerning this.
We received some really crappy news about our cousin, Roger. He was diagnosed with colon cancer and is starting treatment soon. He is Hubby's blood cousin, but his mom and mine shared a room at the hospital many years ago, since we were both born on the same day. So, there is my special connection with him. His sister reported on Facebook that he had a horrible experience with his MRI. I believe I whined profusely about mine in the December 22, 2013 post of this blog. They. . .are. . .not. . .fun.
So hopefully you wonderful peeps out there could say a quick prayer for this guy. His wonderful wife passed away suddenly a few years back, and he has been so sad ever since. Now this.