Peter Hagerty
Yes, life is same old thing, which I find refreshing. It is comforting not to have drama or crazy things going on.
It is definitely going to be another "sunflower" year. I went outside the other day and glanced down at the two metal sunflower yard ornaments that Nina had planted amongst my real sunflowers last year. Only there were three there! I asked Lon if Nina had brought another one and stuck it with the others. Yup. Thank goodness . . . I thought that they were multiplying on their own. :) Also, the family was going through Little Ma's glass cruet collection and I found the one that I had brought her from Oxford, England about 16 years ago. It is a beautiful piece that was made in the 1930's. How fun it was, when I took a good look at the design cut into the cruet, and discovered that it is a lovely . . . wait for it . . . SUNFLOWER! Love it.
I was looking at my special-dates book and saw that Saturday the 25th, will be Mother's 87th birthday. She has been gone almost eleven years.
Next Wednesday will the first anniversary of Dad's death. Remember what chaos we were going through a mere year ago? Dad had just broken out of the Home and took a taxi to the farm, without any of the people from the nursing home even knowing he had escaped. What a guy! I am so glad that he had one last hurrah and a little bit of an adventure. It was a nightmare for the family, but he had fun.
It is really surreal to drive out to his farm and see the house gone (demolished) and the fields plowed right up next to the road and driveway. I remember working out there, after he had passed, and I was wearing Roschelle all the time, and going through chemo. What a difference a year makes. I told my Dr. Beck (who's husband is going through chemo for a brain tumor) that 2014 was the best AND the worst year of my life. She responded that she hoped that she could look back and say the same thing about 2015. It's been a rough road so far, but I would love it if everything turned out wonderfully for her and her family. GO BECKSTRONG!!!
I was busy in the office today, officially letting several government offices know that we are closing our business and I won't have to send in reports. WHOO WHOO! I am so tired of keeping records and making deposits and such. But I shouldn't complain. I took over the job from Hazel, and SHE didn't have access to computers and typewriters and copy machines, etc. Everything she did, was using an adding machine and handwriting out things while using carbon paper to make copies. She had it really tough!
Hubby is getting my lawnmower prepped for the season. He always fusses at me about how hard I am on the rider, but he forgets that most people mow their lawn in 45 minutes to an hour, and when I mow everything I have to take care of, it takes eight hours every week. That's just the mowing, not counting the weed whipping and trimming. I used to like to mow, 'cause it got me away from the phone and I could just be alone with my thoughts, but now it is just a big chore that needs to be done. Anyhoo, I like how things look when they are neat. Jenna is very much like me when it comes to her yard. She has two push lawnmowers, and when one was not working last week, she got out the other one which happens to be a self-propelled one. However, the self-propel part wasn't working so good, so she pushed it. She said it was like pushing a small car around her yard, but by golly, she got the job done. Dad was always a fanatic about a well-groomed yard, and that is why Jill and I mowed for hours every week, after he passed, because we knew he would be mad if it didn't look good.
LATEST NIECE HEATHER REPORT: Unfortunately her Power Port keeps getting blood clots in the tube,
so they have to keep flushing it out. The last thing she needs is to get infection in that thing, so I am glad that
they are keeping on top of things. She is still high spirited and upbeat, which is really going to help her get through this ordeal