Things have been rather hectic around our house. One of our most beloved people is very ill but I don't want to go into details at this time. It is just so heartbreaking to see this happening.
Personally, I am doing good. The hair update is not so great. I have been taking Roschelle off in the evenings to encourage real hair growth. I have noticed that my poor wigs are really starting to show wear and tear. The one I was wearing yesterday has developed stiff little wings on either side in the back, and I have to keep patting them down. I kinda look like a shabby "Carol Brady" from the the Brady Bunch TV show. I Do wash them regularly, but there is only so much up-time before these things start to get ratty looking.
I am excited about going to the Annual Mini Conference for writers at the Marion Library. Usually these conferences are at Des Moines or Dubuque or somewhere that is too far away for me to be comfortable about driving by myself and no one else is really interested in this kind of thing. There are going to be several authors there and they will be having workshops, that will be interesting.
With all that is going on, Mother Nature is sending us a loving message with all the beauty outside. Take advantage of how great everything looks - soon the scenery will be bleak, and dreary, and probably pretty white!