You know, when I was told my son had autism I had no idea just how many "angels" we would meet after being thrust onto that road - and it took me a while to realize that these people were angels to us. But, over the last 9 years, we have met so many. Most of them provide information, some are the individuals who actually work with my son, some are administrators or individuals in the school who listen to my concerns and act upon them if I think something is "off," others are parents who are in a very similar situation, or maybe one of the many excellent therapists we've been blessed to work with, and some are complete strangers who might just give us a smile during a public meltdown or who laugh when they hear some of the quirky conversations I have with my son in a store. My parents, family and friends have been the best - especially my mom. I don't know if we would be in as good of shape as we are right now without my mom's help, understanding, and ability to talk me down off the ledge at times when I got so frustrated at not knowing what to do or how to help my son.
I think Ann is one of our angels on this road my mom is on. I can almost feel Ann wince at the term "angel" - but like it or not, sista, you are. To us and anyone who reads your blog or is lucky to correspond with you. I'm not a brownnoser who is sucking up to ride the coattails of your celebrity status, just very, very thankful that you responded to my initial email, and then to respond again, and THEN pay me the compliment that you think I'm funny. :)
Ann gave me a great link to something that I believe will be very helpful to anyone who needs information on breast cancer.
I will post more, as she has sent me more and also has a lot on her blog (, and there are some others that I have found. But I need to figure out how to put them all together in one area. I think I'm actually typing in the "about" page, but until I run out of space or figure out how to set this up correctly, I'm-a keepin on keepin on! And, I will try to figure out how to allow comments and whatnot, in case anyone might read this. Again, just need some time to sit and figure it out - I will get there!
I think I have the actual "blog" moved to the "appropriate" place. What is it with me and authority or rules? :)
Talked to mom a bit ago. She hath discovered this blog. :) Hi, Mom. *waving* I'm telling people your personal information. On the internet. LOVE YOU!!! :)
Okay, that was all in good fun. I DO love my mom. Very much. I've even actually started telling her that every time I talk to her too. And my dad. And the lovely man I've spent a lot of time with the last (almost) 2 years. Okay, I don't tell him every time I talk to him. But I did finally say it. I swore I wasn't going to break first, dammit lol. I truly believe you should tell people and tell them often. I'm just a hypocrite of my own belief and don't actually carry it out. I do with Alec - poor kid probably gets sick of me telling him. Anyway. I'm not sure why I never really felt the need to tell someone often (other than Alec). I guess I hoped that I knew that they knew I did. Cuz I know they do. I'm just not a super outwardly expressive person, I guess. I'd rather show it than say it? I dunno. One of those things I suppose.
Ann, I'm in October of 2013 on your blog. Dayyyyyyyamn girl. What a story. You, to me, are the epitome of "sisterhood." Sending you all good juju. ((HUGZ))
Michael hath arrived. Alec needs to go to bed. I need to move the Ronald McDonald picture and erase the other entries and I think that maybe, things are taking shape here. Just maybe. A small victory.
RIP Johnny V. We didn't end on a good note, but DID have a lot of laughs in the short time we hung out. I never wished anything bad on ya man. You were one goofy dude.