We've made a LOT of progress on clean up, but theres still a lot to do. Most of the trees immediately around the house are cleaned up and the yard is looking pretty good, despite where the grass has been torn up from fallen trees and machines moving back and forth. For those of you who know Madre, it drives her nutzo to not have the yard mowed and kept up...but we got the majority of it mowed yesterday and she seemed to feel better about how things were shaping up.
"Ger's" auction is next weekend and shes been busy working on getting things cleaned up for that, and then every three weeks her Herceptin infusions. Next week she pre-registers for surgery (BOOBIES!!!) and meets with the plastic surgeon AND has an echocardiogram. I know Ive slacked on her appointments/procedures page and hope to get that updated soon. But Madre is doing REALLY well...seems to be feeling well, her tastebuds are recovering, her hair is starting to grow back - and life is moving forward. Shes had a pretty full plate with this cancer thang, and then her dad getting sick and passing. But shes been such a trooper. No real complaining when she really had every right to. Amazing.
Anywho, just wanted to let y'all know what the scoop was. Please forgive any typos as Im doing this on my phone.
Hope you all had a great Fourth of July and are enjoying your weekend!!
God Bless You All