What a time we had Saturday. With the weather report saying that it was going to rain buckets, we were really nervous about how things were going. We finally decided that what would be - would be. Well, we were blessed with the gift of dry weather. All went fairly smoothly and we managed to get through one more of these final steps to finalizing Dad's business. We had a large crowd show up. There were trucks and cars parked on the road in both directions, as far as the eye could see.
Something that was found in the old basement was a real memory stirrer. Does anyone remember those green dishes that the grocery store gave away free with purchase? There were different pictures on each plate or bowl, ie: spinning wheel, fireplace hearth, old wooden fence. Mom had stored them away, and Jill dug them out and washed them up. I remember eating off them when I was very young. They must be around 55 years old!! Sis-in-law Nina happened to buy a box of glassware specifically for one item, and then realized that those dishes (which I had told her about), were in the bottom of the box. So, they are still in the family.
Little Ma was admitted to the hospital Thursday with an infection in her leg (mersa). Gratefully, she got to come home today, and is doing much better.
I went out and mowed Little Ma's yard, the Front Drive property, and a lot of the shop land. Periodically, I had to stop and pick up limbs and sticks. When I was at Front Drive, the STOP sign on the corner was gone. It had blown over during the windstorm so the County guys had stopped out and taken it away. However, they neglected to remove the base for it that was sticking out of the ground, and WHAM, I hit it with the mower and it stopped the blade from turning immediately. Later when I doing the shop, the belt broke, so I couldn't finish everything that I wanted. I'm trying to get caught up with my outdoor chores before Friday, when the reconstructive surgery is being done. Dr. Andrews warned me that I will NOT be moving my arms much at all for quite a while, until the dreaded drains (you've all heard my complaints about those darn things) come out.
Hey, I've talked and talked about my obsession with sunflowers since Jenna started this bog and put that neat picture of them on the masthead. Weeelllll. . . I think my plants that I was so hopeful about, are not going to make it. They sure got crunched by tree limbs and then the backhoe tracks. This just makes me more determined to have a bumper crop next year!!
Storm clean up is coming along. I can't even begin to thank Jenna, Mike, Nina, Larry, Tom, Deb, Delaney, Jerry Mc., John , Ken M., Dan R. and others for the fantastic help and the hours they spent here. WOW!!! One of our neighbors has a wood-burning outdoor furnace, and he asked if he could come over and cut up and haul away, all the trees in our backyard. OF COURSE!!! What a lucky thing to happen. He just lives a few houses away, so it is really convenient for him.
Thanks for your good thoughts, Betty C. It made me smile to read that you were drinking your coffee while reading the post. Loved that.
HAIR REPORT; Stubletts are getting a tad longer, so now I look like I have a white net cap on my head.