Roy T. Bennet
I have been very busy the last few days. Weather is great and I've got Spring Fever big time! Washed windows today, along with scrubbing the bathroom and washing my shower curtain and liner, did a few more loads of laundry, and polished the wood floors in the laundry room and small bedroom. THEN, I sanded down my picnic table that I power washed a few days ago. I have been wanting to prime and paint it and then put it at The Woodbridge Building. We haven't used it in for a long time, so I think it can be useful at the WB. I even started digging up some of my mature hosta plants to take to the WB. That is not easy when the one leg I have to stand one is weak, and the other is stomping down on the spade to dig those suckers out. Makes a person a little off kilter. I managed to dig up two of the five huge plants that I want to move. I know, whine...whine...whine. Anyhoo, I'm still getting so much done, but when you have to work at half to one-third the usual pace that you have always run at, it takes a lot of time. Blah!
Today I got to talk to my good friend from Georgia on the phone. We touch base every so often and get caught up on each others lives. I have know her for 44 years (OMG!) and she is a special, quiet, sweet woman who works hard and is appreciative of everything she has. This post's quote if for Sandy since these things describe how she lives her life. I asked her about the government shut-down around last Christmas, to hear how she had fared. She works for TSA. She handled it beautifully. Thank goodness she was in great shape financially, but she said some of the younger workers who had kids in day-care, or were living paycheck to paycheck were in a bind. Sandy and I don't talk politics because she and I are kinda on separate sides of the fence when it comes to the government. That's okay. I'm used to it. Have I mentioned that I am in a "mixed" marriage ? . . . Hubby belongs to one party, and I favor the other party. That's what America is all about -- the right to your own opinion. (But I'm still mad that those people were subjected to the government shut-down for absolutely no reason). And that's why I think she is a special person, to go through all that so gracefully.
Hey, I have a question for you all. Can you figure out what this thing is? I have often mentioned how I love to go scrounging at Goodwill, second-hand stores, and garage sales for precious items at a bargain price. One thing I am always looking for is good storage container. You know, the kind you put your left-overs in, and then forget about them, and have to throw the stuff out when you finally clean your refrigerator? Well, I found this little gem and thought it looked useful. It was kinda different from anything I had seen before, but it sealed up tight and was see-through for ease in identifying what in the heck was in it. It also came with a strange hose and attachment thingy which I didn't recognize. All of these items were sealed up in plastic and where brand new. So, I bought it from Goodwill and brought it home. I noticed that there was a small plug on the lid where the hose thingy could be pushed into. I figured I didn't need that, so I tossed the hose. After studying it for a bit, I think I figured out what it is. ewwwww
Oh my dear Lord! I think it is something that hooks up to a breast pump and lets the milk flow into the storage container!!!!! Is that it? ewwww I'm donating it back to the Goodwill. Sorry that the hose is missing but maybe someone else might need a left-over food storage item. uh huh
Now, for some very bad news. Son Dan called us night before last and told us that his father-in-law had been killed in a car crash. No one knows all the details, but apparently his father-in-law had a stroke, died instantly and his pickup truck continued into the path of a semi truck. In trying to avoid the on-coming pickup, the semi driver slammed on his brakes and tried to get to the side of the road. He didn't have enough time and the vehicles hit. The semi rolled over in the ditch, but the driver was not hurt. Thank God. What a sad time for Dan and his wife, Tammy, and her sweet mother, Marlene.