Albert Einstein
Have you ever seen a TV show or read an article about a couple getting divorced and their main complaint about splitting up was "It's the little things that drove us apart". He won't put the toilet lid down. She always forgets to pick up the dry cleaning. He can't stand her driving habits. She hates the way he chews with his mouth open.
Then, there is all the "other" little things. Twice a day, my poor husband has to perform a ritual which we rather grossly call, milking Bossy. Evidently I am Bossy. Lon's job is to strip the drain lines so all the built-up fluid goes into the little plastic bottles hanging from my drains, and then he measures and records the amounts. I am ashamed to say, that if I were in the position of having to do his job, I don't know whether I could, (even if ya paid me!) Okay, I could do it for my children, and Lon, but no one else. I would make one crappy nurse, 'cause that job falls under the Super Yucky category. It's the little things such as this that are so touching and mean so much.
Lon just revealed to me, that he got quite a scare last Friday when I was having surgery. The doctor had allotted 2 1/2 hours for the procedure, and then a couple of hours for recovery. My last operation in February went the scheduled amount of time, and then the doctor came into the waiting room and told Lon how things had gone. This time, it played out differently. After only about 45 minutes, the nurse requested that Lon come back to a private office to talk to the doctor. This scared the bejeebers out of him, because a woman about our age, that we know, went into the hospital in Georgia, for a rotary cuff (?) operation. Her husband left the waiting room for 15 minutes to get coffee, and when he got back, they told him she had passed away on the operating table. Well, this story ran through Lon's mind, since the time I was gone was so short. The good news is , that I lived (surprise) and my procedure went along fantastically, which has been my luck during this whole health issue. Having someone in your corner who takes the good with the bad is not "a little thing". It's huge . . . it's massive . . . it's amazing. And sometimes it's hard work. (Milking Bossy is not a walk in the park, People).
The summer is just melting away. The kids will be back in school in a few weeks. I always thought that time slowed down as we got older. Nuh uh. It's zipping along at mach speed. I keep sniveling about the fact that I can't get out and help Lon with the major clean-up we have going. Time is running out, Folks. I must learn patience and wait until I am healed enough, or else I am going to regret it big time.
I did notice that one of my spindly little sunflowers has bloomed!!! See, there's another little miracle.