Way back on December 12, 2013, I posted about how my very first, and hopefully the last, MRI went. (spoiler alert, not good). Well, today I had an early appointment to have a PET/CT done at the hospital. I understood that this was kinda similar to an MRI. ewwwwww. You remember me complaining recently about how I am having difficulty walking? Well, I went to the Oncologist's office last week and talked to my Nurse Practitioner, Mindy. We decided to go for this scan, since being off the cancer meds hasn't made any difference in the pain in my legs and I am still walking like a cowboy (or a giant toddler). Now, we are trying to figure out what is causing the problem. I am pretty sure that some sparklies (cancer cells) have not metastasized in my leg bones, but I had to have this test first to find that out before we can look further. I want to know what is really going on and then solve this problem.
The scan consisted of putting radioactive (?) stuff in glucose and shooting me up. I couldn't eat sugar or drink caffeine, or indulge in bread, pasta, and a whole bunch of other good stuff for 24 hours before the test. Just pretty much meat, eggs, and water. No big deal. It was all very do-able.
I got to the hospital about 7 AM. After getting the infusion of glucose mixture, I had to lay down for 90 minutes and stay completely still (no reading or playing on my tablet!). Next they took me to a special X-ray room and put me on a bed and started running me through a tube. Then the scan began.
Now, I kept remembering that awful MRI experience way back in 2013. But this test was not bad! It was loud, but they played neat music over the intercom. And it only lasted 25 minutes, not an hour like the MRI. I did not get overheated, or nauseated, and it helped that I got to lay on my back instead of being face down, with my cheek bones crushing against a steel face plate.
I will get the results on Tuesday. If there is something going on cancer-wise, the X-ray will show bad spots glowing. Let's hope there is nuthin' there, okay????
So, to make a long story short, it happened again . . . kinda. Not the nasty MRI. More like an MRI's mild little sister. So glad!
Sad News: Jenna had to put her little dog down today. He was filled with arthritis and was in misery all the
Good News: Jenna sent me a school picture of Alec with ANOTHER medal! He earned it for doing a record
number of ball spikes(?). We're not quite sure what that means, but it must have something to do
P.E. I am very proud of our guy.
Another major event in Alec's life: He had to have oral surgery last week. After 16 years, he finally got two cavities. Since he is terrified of dentists, he had to go to the hospital and be knocked out in order to have fillings put in. While he was under, the doctor also took out his wisdom teeth and then sealed all the rest of his teeth so he won't get any cavities from now on!! Super news.
When they put him out, they had to give him a bit of gas to start, before they inserted the IV for the anesthesia because he wasn't having anything to do with needles!. When they put the gas mask on, they let him hold his phone and continue playing with it, to keep his mind off what was happening. Jenna said it was so funny when his eyes closed and his hand went limp. The attending nurse was there to catch the phone in mid-fall. When he woke up, he was fine and didn't fuss at all. What a champ! He is getting so grown up. Love him!