Truer words were never spoken . . . but, DANG! it's discouraging to be a bald lady. Yup, only took about two weeks this time to end up looking like a deranged, crazy lady from some horror movie. I guess it doesn't help that I am almost 5 years older than last time when I went bald. Oh, sure, there are a few wispy sprigs that are hanging on tight, which only makes it more annoying. Those last few keep falling and floating in the air at random times, all around me. Yuk!
I am being very careful as far as making sure I rest when I need to. And (daughter Jenna and friend Betty) I have found that I have fallen in love with ice cold water. It's about time. That's what my body needs.
I was feeling pretty good today, so went out and mowed and trimmed for about five hours. Honestly, seeing everything cleaned up and looking sharp makes me feel better than almost anything else.
I spent yesterday cleaning closets which is another one of my goals lately. Actually, I was trying to find my third wig that had been packed away. It was in the very last box I went through. Go figure. I was also trying to find my old sleep cap, but it's still missing. You should see what I have been wearing to bed. It's a lavender cloth "winter" cap complete with a pompom on top. It's not too heavy and stays put while I sleep. I really look dorky, but who cares? However, that is definitely something that I will not wear to have my picture taken. That's a tad bit over the top in the "weird photo" category.
UPDATE: When I took my new wig, Jane, back to have her bangs trimmed, I told Jeffrey Scott about my dilemma. That nice guy took pity and gave me a pretty pink sleep cap. I teased him that I got it for buying my fourth wig. Anyway, it was really nice of him and completely a surprise!
I also made the decision to retire my hair equipment and pack them away. You know, blow dryer, curling iron, beloved Twisty Turban, and hair spray. I've put away most of my shampoos and conditioners, since a dab of bodywash does the trick on the old noggin. Now, here's an odd thing I did. Two weeks ago, I bought a brand new can of hair spray 'cause I was running low. It's a good thing that the spray doesn't have an expiration date on it since it will be . . .oh, probably 8 months or more before I will need it again. I still can't believe that I bought it.
And how was your day?