David Ogilvy
It is interesting to run my hands over my head and feel the little stubbletts growing. It really does feel like I have sandpaper on my scalp. I sure wish the eyelashes would return. I have to draw eyeliner around the eyelids so you can tell where my eyes are at. And yet, on the other hand, it IS nice to have super-smooth legs and not have to worry about shaving them.
Wednesday is the third Herceptin infusion. Eleven more after that. Piece of cake. Only 26 days until the reconstructive surgery. Things are moving along at a nice pace. But I sure will be glad when this is over.
Nina stopped up and asked me to go the movies with her. We saw JERSEY BOYS. If you get a chance to go, you will probably really enjoy it. The music is absolutely wonderful. A few years ago, when we were in New York City, she and I got to catch that show on Broadway. Fantastic.
Jenna and Alec came by to visit for a while today. Everyone must think I am lonely with Lon off fishin'. After they went home, I kept busy in the house, painting a side table and a shelf for the "pink" room, since it was raining and I couldn't do anything outside.
It looks like interest in Dad's farm is picking up. Our latest ad in the paper let people know that we will take bids until June 30th. It will be interesting to see who "buys the farm". We currently have three bidders, which is good news. Shows that there is some competition going on. It really is a good farm. The yard is just beautiful, too.
Sandy R. made a comment on the previous post about that weird little bird dive-bombing my living room window, wanting in. She said that she also had an odd "animal experience". When she was leaving for work the other day, she saw two squirrels in her yard, and it looked like they were on the ground, wrestling. Then they stood up and starting boxing with each other. She must have laughed so hard that she cried because she said she had to redo her makeup before she went to work. That's a fun way to start your day.