Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanks, kids, for the comments on the last post. I am really not a Bible-beater, and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable with my comments or opinions on different events. But you that spoke up, made my heart sing. Thanks for the support. It's kinda an odd thing to write about, but it is part of my life, and I thought I would finally share it with more people.
It is so true that I have a lot of plants to get in the ground. Little Ma had me come up to her place last night to get three hibiscus bushes that she doesn't want anymore plus some lovely striped hostas that I have been wanting to mix in with my solid ones.. I still have a hydrangea plant, all the hostas, and some small annuals in containers, to deal with. My sweet Tina offered me some sunflowers that were coming up at her place, and that she didn't need. Tina, I'll have to decline even though I love the idea that you thought of me. I am trying very hard to "mother" the ones that I have already planted. Plus, I am trying to figure out where in the yard that I am going to put some of these other ones. Talk about an over-abundance! Love it!
Honestly, there is very little going on in my life. In fact, it is so boring that I am going to comment on tuna fish. Yup, your heard right, tuna fish. A while back, Nina and I were talking about how hard it is to find some good, solid tuna in a can. It seems that the brand I was buying (for the last 43 years) is always mushy and shredded up. Then I bought a can of Bumble Bee tuna. Eureka! it was very solid and chunky and not smushy at all. So if you are in the mood for tuna fish, try Bumble Bee brand. (You didn't know there would be a commercial in this post, did you?) By the way, I had a tuna fish sandwich for lunch, and it was delish!.
I am getting anxious for July 18th to come. I am at the point where I am ready to get the reconstructive surgery over with. Betty C.'s friend, who has gone through all this already, said she didn't realize how uncomfortable the expanders were until she had them removed and got her implants. These babies make me feel like my chest is rock hard. And since all the nerve-endings were cut when the cancer and well . . . the meat of the inside of each breast was removed, there is no feeling on the outside of the skin. So when I touch my chest, it feels like really hard fake breasts have been attached to my body. Weird
Well, have to jet. I think Alec and I will hit some garage sales before I have to get him home in time for his swimming lesson. I'll report any super dooper deals we find. Garage sale-ing is so fun.