Frederick Douglas
I feel better today, but yesterday I was nothing but an ole slug. I didn't do anything but lay around. I am positive it had nothing to do with my starting sis Sandy's Zumba program that she sent me. No . . . no . . . that couldn't be the reason. Sunday night I tried it out. What fun! I managed to get halfway through the first disc before calling it off for the night. I did what I was supposed to. I drank lots of water during the routine. The music was great and the moves were not that difficult. It's just that I have absolutely NO rhythm. Nadda, zilch, zip, uh uh, no way, can't move to the beat at all. I had no aches or pains, so it must have just been I got real tired. I am going to keep trying it, though. Wouldn't it be fun to learn a few fancy schmancy dance steps, so when hubby and I go out for the evening, (yeah, like that's really going to happen), I could leap and kick and prance and twirl with the best of them. Or not. Sorrry, I got caught up in fantasy land there for a second.
Since I was laying around extensively yesterday watching TV, I got a few more commercial to critique. What's your take on the advertisement for Depends? There is a large group of people walking down the street, all wearing Depends underpants. The message is to be aware of your underwear, or Depends Underwearness. Huh? Yeah, that's their big slogan for that commercial. Underwearness. Then I got to thinking about what those actors must have thought when their agents called them and told them they were going to be in a TV commercial, but they had to wear Depends - along with a whole bunch of other people - and they were going to be filmed walking down a street. That's one way to get another credit put on your resume. But what exactly were all these actors talking about in between takes? How embarrassing to be hanging (sorry) with strangers in underwear. There was even a guy riding a horse, for goodness sake!!!!! Yup, it's an odd campaign slogan, but maybe it is geared toward people of my age. You know, reminding us to be aware of wearing our underwear. Us old folks just might forget to put any on. It could happen.
I do happen to like the new TV ad for Progressive Insurance. The lady standing at her kitchen counter, working on her computer with her hand made up to look like Flo. Silly commercial, but I like it when she says, "NAILED IT!" in a squeaky voice. I imagine that that will be a catch-phrase for a while.
Today's quote is a message to myself, to get cracking and get something done today. So here I go. Oh, wait, let me first check and see if I have put on my underwear. Check. I'll change out of my Zumba pants and get to work. At the end of the day, I want to be able to say "NAILED IT!" when I look at all the chores I got done.
Betty C. commented that she liked the girls and my pics from the last post. It was kind of a lame, small version of what we had planned, but we laughed until we cried as we were putting the photos together. There are several different shots of us with some different wigs, but we were seriously too embarrassed to post those. And from what you guys have seen that we are gutsy enough to put on this blog, you know they must have been really awful!!!!