Janene Oliphant
This day started off so nicely. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I had a list of things that I was looking forward to doing. I had ambition!! And, I did get a lot done. Cleaned the bathroom, did several loads of laundry, dusted, swept, and then finished several little misc. things that needed to get done. Then I ran into town, went to the bank, Wally World, Post office, and Goodwill. When I got home, Hubby was getting the backhoe and the dump truck ready to take out two trees that need to be removed at the Woodbridge Haven site. I helped pick up small branches and limbs, while he scooped up all the ginormous branches and limbs. (Wow, ain't this fascinating?)
Everything was going wonderfully, when I decided to go home and get some bottled water for us. When I drove past Nina's house (you remember her, my BFSILPIC . . .Best Friend Sister-In-Law Partner In Crime) and stopped to chat for a few moments. She offered to go into her house and bring me out some water so I wouldn't have to drive a whole few hundred feet to my house. So nice of her. I wish I had taken her up on it.
Well . . . pulled up to my house, dashed inside, and went flying down the stairs to poker room to get cold water from the frig that is there. Then it happened. My feet flew out from under me and I landed HARD on the edge of one step, making contact with the middle of my back on one step, and then BOOM! hit my tailbone on the edge of another step. Yes, people, I busted my ass! Pardon my French, but that's about what happened. Okay, I don't think it is actually busted, but it sure is bruised and painful.
I felt that perhaps you might like to see a reenactment by our own Little J.
Jeeze, I've got to get a life.