Lao Tzu
It has so long since I took the time to sit down at the computer. Life has gotten hectic. Everyone's life has gotten hectic. Right?
First off, dear sister Sandy had a small stroke, and had to be in three different hospitals. Three! I guess she was too troublesome in the first two, so they kicked her out. Kidding. The first one was where the ambulance took her. Then they sent her to the University of Iowa Hospital for more intensive care, and then shipped her to a hospital near me, for physical therapy. She is home now and doing well. But what a crappy deal. She worked so hard to have her knee and hip replaced so she could finally walk without a walker, and now she is back to one. Her balance is slightly off and she needs it to walk straight. Jeeze!!! But she is handling this situation like a real champ. She is staying upbeat and cheerful. Good job, Puppetmaster.
I got to take my vacay with partner-in-crime Nina. We took off and went for five days to Laughlin, Nevada for a bit of rest and recreation. We had an excellent time, but two and half days were sooooo windy. The jet stream. One day, we decided to go to the city bus stop and ride the whole route, so we could see what the residential areas looked like, and then would stop off at a series of casinos along the main street. We ventured out of our hotel and started down the sidewalk to the bus stop. The wind was blowing so hard toward us, that we were bending at a 45 degree angle to try to make headway. Halfway down the block, we had to stop. The wind would not let us go any further. When we turned to go back to our hotel to safety, of course the wind was blowing us from behind. Thank goodness no one else was foolish enough to be out and about, because when we turned, it pushed us just as fiercely. Since I limp and toddle along normally now, it must have looked hysterically funny to see me limping/running down the sidewalk. Whew! When we got inside, I was disgruntled to see that Nina's hair fell right back into place, and mine . . . well, mine looked like a fluffy dandelion. And it stayed that way. No amount of brushing would bring it down. And it was full of electricity. Oh well, who cares. I figured I'd never see those people ever again.
And below is us with the "pillow" guy.
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A week ago we went to our friend, Camie's, memorial dinner. She passed away last August. Per her request, she chose to have a gathering of family and friends a few months after . . . I suppose to let her loved ones catch their breath and have time to deal with her death. Her family had had a caterer cook some of her most favorite recipes for the meal. The hall was decorated beautifully. There were about four hundred people there to honor and remember her. Everyone was asked to share some memory. I remembered that on Halloween in 1987, after our girls had went Trick-or-Treating, we took their bunny outfits and dressed up. Oh, boy! Then our hubbies insisted on taking us out to make the rounds at our friends' homes. We padded our chests with rolled up socks. I look kinda pointy, but Camie was always small to begin with, and the padding didn't do much for her. When we got back home, we found we had collected several canned vegatables and a lots of bottles of beer in our Trick-or-Treat bags. What a hoot!
I got to thinking that I had some photos of that night three decades ago. So I went looking. Hubby and I looked in the basement, and in drawers and boxes , everywhere, trying to find that picture of her and me. Four hours later, I discovered it . . . in the very last box I had . . . in the very last envelope in that very last box!
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Remember back in like 2013, when I started writing on this blog, and I had to go have an MRI to see where my breast cancer was at? Remember when I declared that if I ever needed another MRI, I would go MIA (Missing In Action)? Remember when I reported how awful it went for me and I almost upchucked? Well, I did have to have another one done. I went last Wednesday to have my broken boob situation checked out. I must say, though, they have come quite a way concerning MRIs in the past years. This one only took half an hour, but I still got so overheated, I was racing against time to see if I would puke in the tube or not. SPOILER ALERT: I didn't.
So far, I don't know what the results are. They said they would call me Thursday, and today is Saturday. I haven't heard a peep. Oh, by the way, I had to get a new plastic surgeon, because the old one was toooo busy to see me. And when I saw the new guy, he warned me that the left breast may have to be replaced, too. I guess all the radiation I have had kinda cooked it or something. Anyway, it is too hard now. Jenna said it sounds like the implant became encapsulated(?), which can happen to any implant at any time. Anyhoo, it sounds like I'll have to go get me some new replacement boobs. yippee
In that case, I may not be using my arms for much for a while. I had better hurry to get the rest of my Christmas shopping done, or else it will be another year of handing my credit card to my darling daughter, and telling her what gifts to go buy for me. Last year was the time I stayed in all winter due to the broken leg and she did all my running. What a special daughter.
Hey, I remembered the other day that I forgot to post about October 25, 2011. Every year I talk about my miracle which happened that night when I quit my habit of chain-smoking . . . in an instant. That post was June 9, 2014, if you happen to go looking in the archives of this blog. Read it , if you haven't already. Miracles really do happen. I still think about that wonderful experience. I have had several smaller miracles happen in my life (for which I am eternally grateful), but that special one was such a huge, physical-type. God is good.
Another reason I haven't had much time to write in my office, is because my Woodbridge Building rental business is going so well. I am having a ball taking care of it, and the people who have their parties and events at the building seem to be enjoying it. I have had several repeat renters. One lady is on her fourth party. whoo hoo!
And I have also been extremely busy watching politics on TV. Crazy times we are living in, people. Crazy times.