Laura Ramirez
It's a few days late. . . but HAPPY MOTHERS'S DAY! I had a pretty darn good one myself. Daniel called me from up north and we visited for a while. He and Tammy were taking her mom to a nice brunch. Fortunately, they were having wonderful weather there because they like to go to a nice restaurant where they dine outside on the patio. Went to church and then came home to find Jenna and Alec. They brought we a gorgeous burning bush to plant somewhere in my huge yard. The question is going to be, exactly where? We always have to be concerned about locations of sewer leaching lines and septic tanks, in case we need to bring in a truck to take care of those things. So, my nice plants can't be in the way where they will get run over. I can't wait to find the perfect place.
And, if you are all are wondering, YES, my butt is still broken. Well, not actually broken. X-rays showed that it isn't even cracked, but man! is it bruised.
I have noticed that I am not the most graceful person lately. Hubby and I are working on projects around the house, 'cause we are giving a little graduation party for Granddaughter Cate this week-end. I conked my forehead with something, and now have a knot over one eye. I can't seem to pick my feet up properly anymore. Is it old age? Probably. Anyhoo, I will be seeing my regular GP tomorrow for an annual check-up, which I'm sure will turn out fine. The info I'm curious about is going to come from my oncologist in July. I keep griping about this certain kind of meds that I have to take for another 2 1/5 years (total of five years!). It is the weirdest thing. It makes it hard to walk. I have two friends that were on this stuff for breast cancer, and both started about the same time as me. They have both quit taking it! YOU CAN NOT STOP TAKING IT! But they did. Betty M. found that she couldn't walk up stairs anymore. Rose H. has similar problems. It's a good thing I do a lot of my writing on the computer, because it is also hard to hold a pen to write. I can't even read my own writing anymore. Whatever.
I have been channeling Martha Stewart around here. In trying to spruce things up a bit, for Cate's party, I "recovered" the cushions on our old porch swing, and then spray painted the frame black and redid the old tan color of the swing with nice, fresh white. Then I sprayed an old two dollar wicker table and set it next to it.
Here's a picture of the wonderful burning bush that Jenna and Alec got me. Those things are so beautiful when they bloom in the fall.
And here's my girl and me. Alec took the picture.
Well, better dash. I still need to do a bunch of stuff for Saturday.
Oh, yeah, that creepy picture of stuff that came out of my tomato juice can. . . well, called the company and they said they would send a collection kit (did I already mention that?). Guess what? They never sent it. That bag of ??? was so nasty and getting moldy, that Jenna insisted I throw it away. Gee, and the tomato juice company lady had said she would also send me several coupons for free products. (I told her I really didn't want anymore of their "tomato juice").