Victoria Erickson
Been busy. I actually had some things on my social schedule that involved both family and friends. Last Monday I met with an old friend, Sue. K., who was Alec's speech therapist for several years. What a gal. It was so nice to have her visit The Woodbridge Building and get to talk. She has been a staunch supporter of our quest for opening a day habitation center for autistic people, from the time she heard of it. She also gave me a valuable lead for getting some important information. This is how we roll . . . being helped out by so many people in the know. Thanks, Lady.
Tuesday through Friday, I had Alec as my day-time partner in crime, since his nanny was out of state. We did our usual hitting Goodwill, stopping at some garage sales, and eating out. Yes, one of those lunches was "the best restaurant in the world" according to my grandson . . . Burger King. I could live without it, but he sure likes their food. We also went to Dairy Queen for an ice cream break. Then we cleaned his man cave in his basement, sorting his movie collection. He has approximately 1,000 DVDs and VHS tapes. I'm not kidding. At one point, I tripped a bit on something laying on the floor and Alec's response was "Oh my Lord! Are you alright? Oh my Lord!"
On Tuesday late afternoon, I did some major lawnmowing, and in the process, lost my emergency Great Call alarm (you know, the "I fell and I can't get up" necklace) that I wear. It had fallen off somewhere, so Wednesday morning, Alec and I walked all the places I had mowed. Unfortunately, that consisted of a couple of acres total, but he stuck with me and was a good helper. But we couldn't find it. Then, the next day, Hubby went looking for it. After walking all the property that Alec and I had already covered, the very last area he looked at . . . he found it! NOTE: A few years ago he walked miles along Interstate 380. looking for a gold knob that had fallen off the two-poster metal headboard that I was bringing home in the back of my truck. I saw it fly off, but didn't stop. He went out and looked where I had told him it was probably at. After a long time, by golly, he found the darn thing! Unbelievable! But while looking, he had a patrol car stop and ask him what in the world he was doing, and I think some of our friends driving the interstate pulled over to see if he was in need of help. hehehe What a guy!
Yesterday was a fun day. Hubby decided to cook up a mess of fish from his fishing trip. Kids and grandkids were all here. Dan had come from Minnesota to see his girls, so we all had a good visit. Abby picked a few flowers for me so I stuck them in a "country" vase.
OMG! Got an email from friend Jodi from California. You remember her . . . the gal whom I think her truck parts company should put her on a calendar. She's coming to Iowa in a few weeks! Look out, everybody, the Granny Club is gonna party like it's 1970 again. The gals (and a few brave guys) of Alburnett High School - Class of 1970 will be on the loose again. Well, until about 9:30 or 10:00 and then we will all have to go home and go to bed. NOTE: Wait . . . wait . . . 1970 was 49 years ago.
Oh my Lord!!!!