Okay. Today is Thursday. A few days ago, I went to get my double-dose of eewwggie chemo treatment. The previous few days I had really been dragging butt. Didn't even make it to church because I woke with a crazy headache. Anyhoo, when I get to the doctor's, they first poke a gizmo into my port and take several blood samples to make sure I am okay to go through with the procedure. It turns out that my white blood cell count was seriously lower than it was the last time I had to have my double-dose. So I got a shot full of "replenishing white cells" juice, then had to go back on Wednesday for a second shot.
Today when my blood was tested, it was A-OKAY, but they still wanted me to recover a bit more. So I got a reprieve. Don't have to go back until next Tuesday. The only bad thing about this is I will just be one more week longer getting treatments and I want to get this whole thing over with. I forgot to tell you the good news! I was wrong. I am not having a grand total of 18 chemos, just 12. So next week it will be #7. I'm already half-way done and I didn't even realize it! Whoo hoo!!!!
But I'm still dragging butt. sigh
On a lighter note, I am in the "bragging" mode right now. You know how I like to boast about things people give me. ("It amuses me." she said smugly :) Sister Sandy sent me a lovely silver bracelet (remember I told you that cancer people get jewelry???) She also sent me an X-rated card and a new book of recipes for my air cooker, which I like to use a lot.
As you can see, it says "I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON & BACK" That is one of my daughter's and my most favorite sayings! Thanks, Sister #2 from Sister #4.
Then there is my Nina. BFPICSIL (best friend, partner-in-crime, sister-in-law). She presented me with a beautiful bejeweled figurine for my collection along with a nifty perfect card.
She got this from Israel when she went there a while back. It is kinda heavy. I asked her what she had to take out of her suitcase in order to make luggage weight, in order to bring this back.
The other perfect thing about the card was the wording inside.
More stories to come . . .
I am hoping that she and I can make our annual trip to Vegas, but we will just have to wait and see how things go.