One thing that I haven't had the chance to put on here yet, is that on Tuesday, December 17th (so, two weeks post-chemo), mom told me that her taste buds are going on strike. As of that date, she said she can't really taste much. She's craving salt, and her beloved chocolate no longer holds the "fix" it used to. She said it tastes like really bad, generic chocolate. Which is too bad, since we Oliphant women are known for our addiction to chocolate. I remember when mom quit smoking (two years ago in October, I'm pretty sure) she said she was also going to try and give up/lessen her intake of soda....but there was no way she was giving up chocolate :) Remember, it's just temporary, ma!
I'm grateful that mom still has all of her hair, and hasn't had any signs that it's going to be coming out soon. I think she'll enjoy Christmas more without having to worry about if her wig is on crooked or not. Which is good, since she sent all of her wigs back - the color swatches online aren't very accurate, so she will try again!
Mom, Alec and I went shopping on Saturday and had a good time despite the frenzy. Alec freaked a little bit at the first store (he's not much of a big crowds shopper) but then calmed down when he realized he could use this outing to his advantage. Yes, I bribe him. If it gets the darn job done, yes, it's worth a book or a small-ish toy here and there. I've learned to pick my battles. And he got some pretty cool Pac Man drinking glasses out of the deal, so it's functional and not all a waste.
His day was made even better by getting to pick where we had lunch - he's been nagging me about going to Pizza Hut for the majority of the last three months or so. So, we went to Pizza Hut. He was thrilled to the point of flapping his hands and a HUGE smile on his face. Our friend, Steve, met us there to pick up some hats for his son that I had gotten from Mike's employer. It's a pretty fun story. And interesting to see how we are all kind of intertwined somewhere along the line by the people we know. I hope Eric enjoys the hats, Steve!
I also noticed that Alec and mom are the same height...and he's 12. Aye yay yay! Going to be interesting to see when exactly he starts towering over all of us!
Other than that, we were covered in snow on Saturday night. I don't know what the official numbers were, but my driveway was about 8 inches deep. Thank goodness for older neighbor guys taking pity on me. I finished shoveling the driveway, and about the time I was going to start the sidewalk, the Harley riding neighbor (who I WILL get to know to be able to talk motorcycles!) came over with his snowblower and did the sidewalk in about three minutes. Saved me about an hour's worth of cardiovascular stress - thank you neighbor!! I had texted my friend Kristie that I was "going to shovel - be back or dead within about 45 minutes." Yep, I'm a sick ticket!
I think we are all ready for Christmas - I only have to get stocking stuffers and I'm hopeful that maybe I can do that at lunch today or after I get off work tomorrow. And if not, is he really going to notice that there aren't any M&Ms or Mike & Ikes? Yes. He will. Darn it. The things I do for you, kid! :)
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and are surrounded by/get to spend time with the people you love.
Merry Christmas!
Note to mom: that is NOT a jenkie picture of us, despite the fact it looks like Alec may have eaten a gonja-laden brownie (he didn't, he just has a stoner look in pictures) and he has his self-inflicted imitation of Woody's magnifying glass burn on his forehead (seriously, he wanted one), your face does NOT look like it's sliding off. Jeesh! It's the only picture that I have of us that is semi-recent...which is a sign we need to get some family pictures taken at some point (how long have we been saying that!?!?!). Or maybe you should see if Gram got any good pictures at Thanksgiving that I can use instead? When you give me the okay, I will put up the FABULOUS picture that you shared with me before the rest of the family. :) It really is fabulous!
Annnnd....once you get the cancer taken care of, we'll check into a waddle lift - you can have that, and I'll get my tah-tahs at the same time. Okay?? (hahaha she's gonna love that last line) Maybe we can get a two-fer deal?