Emily Dickinson
Hey, everybody! This has been an interesting week, with getting one more major development out of the way. I am feeling pretty darn good and really can't complain about being too uncomfortable. Fortunately, I didn't end up looking like my alter-ego "Chesty Lafontaine". I am still looking like old Grandma "Jane", like before. I was amazed at the amount of fluid they must have pumped into me during the operation (or else the implants are very heavy) because I gained six pounds without eating anything. I think some of that is gone now.
Surgery went very well. I like the fact that the nurses knock you out, and you don't even know what is going on. I prefer it that way. I got in, got it done, and got out. I have been laying around taking it easy today, even though it was gorgeous outside and I would have loved to have been picking up limbs and twigs and working on clean-up in the yard. But I am going to take the smart route, and go slow, so there isn't any complications just when we are getting to the end of this particular journey.
It looks like my social calendar is going to be busy for the next few weeks. I've got a wedding shower next week-end, with the wedding reception in August. I am looking forward to a get-together with some of the "kids" from high school on August 2nd. The class of 1969 is having their 45th!!!! reunion. Around 8:00, anyone from any of the other graduating classes are invited to come and join in the party. I got word that friend Jodi Mclean would be here, from California. She and I were recently reminiscing via e-mail, about some stupid skit we performed at sister Judy's senior prom. I have no recollection how or why we were asked to act out this dumb routine as part of the entertainment, but we were game for anything back then, and probably thought we were all that AND a bag of chips, as the saying goes. I do remember Judy's face when Jodi and I walked into the banquet and began to act out our skit, since it had been a secret and she wasn't aware that we were doing such a thing. (I don't think she was very happy to see little sister there, embarrassing her).
Anyway, it will be fun to see some of those people that I haven't laid eyes on in . . . well . . . decades. (gulp) I know Betty C. from Missouri will probably read this, so, Bet, you and Doug jump in the car and come join the festivities. That would be a hoot!!
I may have to go shopping for a new "hair-do", maybe a longer style so it looks like my hair is actually growing. I did remove Roschelle today to show Jenna my new growth. Surprisingly enough, it is starting to come in a salt-and-pepper color. She thought the growth looked very cute, but I am not going around without some kind of head covering for quite a while. I still kinda look like Dennis Rodman. Whatever.