Yup, Session Number 2 went so good today. My newest blood test still shows that I have blood that is as good as a non-cancerous, super-healthy woman!. Whoo whoo! Lon could not take me to the appointment because he got a touch of food poisoning from eating a tenderloin we got in town last night - (it didn't bother me so maybe the chemo is sterilizing everything, even bad food!). He actually got up and got dressed, but couldn't move too far from the bed. He was so determined to go, but I just couldn't let him go into the clinic and be around patients and possibly pass off some kind of virus or whatever. So, for once, he listened to me. He must have really been hurting! We almost considered postponing our usual Christmas Eve get together with the kids and grandkids tomorrow night because of him feeling so horrible, but he feels much better now that he has puked and pooped. (Sorry, did I say that out loud?)
My talk with Dr. Ghosh went well. He checked the lump and asked me if I felt that it was a little smaller, which I did. Lon could not tell the difference, but Dr. G said it is slightly smaller and softer, which means really good stuff. Chemo ran from 10:00 to 1:45, which was faster than last time. I got in a two-hour nap, read the paper, did some writing, and nibbled on crackers.
NOW FOR THE HAIR REPORT: As Jenna mentioned in her post, I still have my hair. The nurse I talked to today said it should be going any minute now. That's really something to look forward to. It's like waiting for the ax to fall, if you know what I mean. Yes, I have ordered some wigs and ICK, they sure weren't like in the catalogues. The first one was too flat, the second one was too slutty - (however, Lon kinda liked that one if it hadn't been so dark colored), and the third one was out of stock. Anyway, they were both too dark blonde. I guess I will just have to order them in WHITE and get it over with. I've got a Jaclyne Smith number coming and hopefully it will work. If not, I'm going to hit a couple of wig shops in town.
I read online where there was a survey amongst women chemo patients, asking them what they feared most - 1. Chemotherapy 2. Surgery 3. Losing their hair. (Number 3 won).
Just a little FYI. I got a nice satin pillow case from the American Cancer Society. There is a group of volunteers that make these to give to chemo people. I would recommend them to anyone. Cotton pillowcases are rougher and can break hair off easier. The satin one seems to almost polish your hair, and possibly that is the reason that I am keeping mine a little longer. I bought a "satin" pillow cover from Wal-Mart, and it is much rougher than the one from the ACM. Even if you get some material from a fabric store and sew up one yourself, I think it could really help anybody.
And, yes, Jenna, you can print my "hair" picture. I went to Ann Kinney from Illusions Fine Portraiture studio to get a "before" headshot done to remember what I had looked like. Ann did something really wonderful,. I explained to her over the phone why I needed this done, but was having trouble fitting it in with all the doctors appointments. I had not even met her yet, but she told me to pick when I could come, and she would do it then, even if she had to bump someone else from that time slot. What a gal! Ann did such a nice job, that I am afraid anyone who sees it will think "Wow, Janene must really think she's all that .. . and more!" Honestly, it's amazing what a professional can do with expert equipment and the right lighting. Remember, ladies, the RIGHT LIGHTING is our best friend. Anyway, instead of just getting a photo shot, Ann really made me look . . . well, better than I actually do (and I'm sure that little friend Trisha E. will agree with me, since she has seen me recently and knows what I really look like!) Right, TAE? Jeez, the last truly professional photo that I had taken was my senior pic when I was seventeen. I guess it was about time for a new one.
Hope everyone is all ready for Christmas. I hope I am. I told Lon the other day that I was finally, totally finished with everything, even the food for Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, I have been to the store twice since then. I guess there is no finally, totally finished. Sigh.
Anyhoo, Merry Christmas.