Robert Henri
Termina Ashton
Yup, this is a "two quote" post. If you are a parent or a grandparent, occasionally you have to brag about one of your loved ones. I just learned that our Alec is having one of his drawings honored.
It seems that 30 pieces of art were selected to be professionally matted and framed and hung in the art collections of Veridian Credit Unions in the Cedar Rapids/Marion area. A panel of art teachers picked the outstanding art from several surrounding high schools. We are not even sure what he created, but his teacher said it was a "negative" black and white piece. I have seen some of his work in this form at his house. It's really interesting the way he draws a picture (totally in black and white) but you see in it the reverse. It's kinda hard to explain. Anyway, his piece will hang on display for a full year. Wonderful!
While I'm on the subject of my grandchildren, I must express my regret for putting that picture of myself with that "little-to-none-at-all" hair-do, on one of the previous posts. I didn't think much of it, but evidently my appearance was pretty darn scary to granddaughter Cate. In fact, when she saw that post, she hollered, "Meee Mawww!" (which told me she was shocked that I had posted such an awful picture of myself. LOL) Yes, it was pretty bad. But that's what I looked like at the time. I was trying to make a joke about being bald, and that photo was the closest I could find, that showed how little hair I had at that time. Remember, for some crazy reason, I never got shiny bald. I always had that smooth white cap of stublets. Grandkids . . . Gotta love 'em!
Oh, wait . . . I wanted to tell you about a weird experience I had the other day. I went down to the basement to get something. And I saw a shadow flit past me. But there was nothing there. Then it did it again. It moved so fast, that by the time I looked in it's direction, it was gone. It was like in those Chuckie Doll horror movies. You know, when Chuckie, the evil doll, would dart around the house and when the soon-to-be victim would look, Chuckie would be out of sight. How creepy!
Well, finally, this "shadow" swooped right past my head. A big bird! In the basement! (sis-in-law Nina would have had a heart attack if she had been there---she is terrified of birds). I did the sensible thing. I went and told Hubbie to handle it. He said it must have flown down the chimney. It was one of those really windy days, so there is the possibility that it got blown down the chimney. Anyhow, Hubbie got it to fly out of the basement, but then it went into the poker room, which has a big picture window. That poor bird slammed into the window and either stunned himself good, or broke his neck. Hubbie was able to pick it up and take it outside. Weird, huh?
Speaking of Nina . . . she and her husband just returned from a fun-filled vay cay in Jamaica. She found it very interesting that when people from other countries found out that they were from the U.S.A, they got questioned a lot about our new president. It appears like the whole world seems to be incredibly puzzled by it all. Interesting.