Donald Miller
Uh, I'm not sure what Donald is talking about. Doesn't seem possible, does it? I know I am not the same person mentally, that I was last November, 'cause on November 11th a whole different ballgame began for me.
What's with this chilly weather? Last time I checked, it was JULY, People. This year is getting wackier and wackier.
Did the doctor's appointment today, and got my pre-surgery check-up. Dr. Beck says I am exceptionally healthy - low blood pressure, slow pulse, even my temperature is always a little bit below normal. I guess my metabolism is reaaaaalllllyyyyy sloooooowwwww. But it's full speed ahead for our little adventure Friday. Boobies, here I come!!!!
In the COMMENT section of the last post, I got some info from friend, Sandi F. My dear friend, or WONDER WOMAN as I am going to call her in the future, has just gone through an amazing chain of misadventures and fantastic moments in her life - all combined together. Take a peek and see what one woman can endure and keep on going. Sandi, you are my hero!
Good news for the decorating fashionistas out there! I have just purchased a new sofa, chair and recliner. Yup, all of them matchy matchy (which is what Lon wanted since - remember - he said our current stuff makes our living room look like it was decorated by Goodwill - which still burns my cookies that he is insulting our beloved Goodwill Store).. Anyhoo, they are a neutral color and have very clean, simple lines. I got the Flex Steel brand, because I remember years ago, Aunt Pat Paul and Uncle Short bought some of their products and they said what a great furniture line it was. So, after all these years, I am following their advice. I get it in two weeks and I can hardly wait. Lon actually mentioned replacing the carpet since it is about 20 years old and is a highly unfashionable blue-gray color. That's a really fun color to work with . . . yuck. We'll see. I haven't decided what to do about flooring.
Lon and nephew Tracy B. worked their butts off this weekend and salvaged some of our old decking and put it on posts, so we are able to get in our front door without walking on a narrow plank. No lie, we have been tiptoeing over a piece of wood, with a lot of space below it. I am going to have nightmares about that someday.
Well, I think I will pull on some flannel jammies and go to bed. Autumn sure came early this year.