Peter Pan
Hey, whatcha think of this gorgeous day? Dan and Lon are getting some of Dan's stuff organized, and Jenna, Alec, and Delaney came out, so Cate and Abby and all are going to ride the 4-wheeler. I made a big pot of chicken and noodles and then baked a cake. I was VERY careful when putting my head near the open oven door while it was going. As Jenna said, we don't want to call my wig "Roast-schelle".
I'm going to see if Jenna and her bunch want to stay for supper We could grill steaks and burgers out on the deck. Alec, Abby, and I aren't big steak eaters. In fact the kids would probably prefer chicken patties. It doesn't make any difference to me. Cardboard tasting food is cardboard tasting food.
Dad called me about 12:30 and said his stomach was hurting and that he was dying. He had asked someone to send in a nurse but no one had showed up. I tried calling The Club, but didn't get anyone at the desk. Dad wouldn't answer his phone when I tried calling him back to see if anyone had come to him.
Finally got through, and thenurse thought it was because he had not eaten breakfast or lunch, except for applesauce and a brownie. Too much sugar in an empty stomach. Everything turned out fine, but I was ready to dash to town to check on him.
I have been going through some of Mother's old scrapbooks. Now, all you young people who think you know how to scrapbook, take a lesson from my ma. She has newspaper clippings about things for the last fifty/sixty years. If anything happened to anybody in this community, she put the news in her scrapbooks. Sister Karen is the family ancestral- records person and she is going to flip when she sees what a treasure some of these books are. I found the newspaper article about our uncle Wayne Fare who was killed in Korea in 1950, the day before his 19th birthday. I also found a letter from him to my grandmother, dated May 1949. stating that he had exactly one year of overseas duty and then he would be on a ship headed for home. Unfortunately, he must have had to stay longer than May 1950, because he was killed September 9th, 1950. How sad. It is amazing how many stories were kept safe in Mother's big, thick memory scrapbooks for us to see today.
I'll bet 50% of you reading this are mentioned in some story or notice. Seriously. So, you modern day scrap bookers, think twice about your fancy lay-outs,. Mother pasted her clippings close together on each page, so it was a joy to scan numerous stories, spotting pictures of old friends and neighbors, and remembering how important some of that news was at the time.
Well, enjoy this wonderful day. No telling, you might do something newsworthy and get a newspaper clipping about you put into someone's book.