Just how many of you out there were crossing your fingers for my dad???? So far, it is working! THANKS!
Thursday I took Dad to Wal-Mart to get some more cotton pants, and then we went to the retirement center for lunch with the Administrator. Dad was edgy but handled himself like a gentleman. He enjoyed being there and he really liked his room, but when he saw photos that I had snagged from his house, sitting around the room, he gave me a funny look and said, "Weren't those pictures at my house? Maybe I had better call the cops!" Sigh. We had the new bed made up and the dresser filled with all new underwear and socks, hankies and T-shirts. My nephew Rob, had bought a whole bunch of stuff - everything needed for the huge bathroom. Lots of white fluffly towels, hand towels, and wash clothes, TP, tissues, combs, razors, shave cream, deodorant, bar soap, body wash, you name it, he got it!!! Then he put everything in a big clothes basket, along with a gorgeous throw that Sis Sandy had crocheted. I put the throw over the back of the recliner and it sure looks good. When Dad and I were in his room, he went into the bathroom and just stood looking at all the neat stuff in there. I had found a bright yellow wood shelving unit at my house (garage sale find), and Lon hung it on the wall and we had put a lot of Rob's supplies on it so everything looked very organized and cheery.
Things went pretty well until about 2:30 when he decided it was time to go home. One of the nurses quietly told me that she wanted to do a diversion and get me out of the room and have me leave. I had told her I could stay longer, but she was feeling that this was an opportune time to separate. So I supposedly went to the office, but actually just left.
The next morning I got a call from "The Club" (that is what I am going to call it since "the home" doesn't sound as nice). It was Dad, telling me that it wasn't very nice of me to leave him. I told him that after I went to the office, they asked me to go home and he was okay with that. The day was going pretty well for him until later, when the "Sundowner" effect began. Some of these folks get anxious and scared when the sun starts to go down. It sounds like he really gave those folks a piece of his mind.
Friday morning I went to the Ghosh Center and had a blood test, and things look super,. They are alittle puzzled that I have had very little side effects from this "preventative" round of chemo, since it is usually harder and harsher on the body. Except for an increase in hair loss and some annoying dizziness, I have been okay. Friday afternoon I went and bought some more pants, shirts, suspenders, and an electric razor (I guess they are afraid someone might cut somebody with those disposable kind of shavers) and ran them over to the club. When I got there, Ben (one of the employees) asked me if I had heard Dad. Evidently he was just on the other side of the security doors, waiting for a ride home. And telling everyone very loudly how he was getting the heck out of there and going home. Jeeze . . . poor guy. He wouldn't even go to the dining room for supper, because he wanted to wait by the door for one of his kids that he had been calling, to come take him home.,
He has left some messages on our cell phones. He told sister Judy to come get him pronto, or else he was cutting her out of the will. Hilarious! However, when he left messages for me, he seemed anxious to have me come and get him, but was not loud or bossy or angry sounding. Today I found out why he is being so kind to me.
He doesn't recognize me. Since I have been wearing the wig, he doesn't realize who I am. He told Aunt Kate that some lady from Toddville has been taking him places and that she bought him shoes and clothes, and he would probably marry her so he could have someone to drive him around since he lost his license. wow - what do you say about something like that. How sad.
On a very happy note, Mr. Alec participated in the Special Olympics Swimming Meet at Kennedy High School today. There were three boys in his event. Al's event was the 25 yard floaty event where the kids can use a noodle or floatation device. Lane #1 boy took off like a rocket and immediately swam about 1/3 of the length of the pool and then stopped to rest. Alec was in Lane #3 and he started off at a nice pace and just kept on going. Lane #5 boy was doing the back stroke (I think) and was having a little trouble getting going. We were all cheering our Al on and after he got about half way he noticed and heard us going nuts for him, and he kinda stopped and gave us such a smile. Jenna was hollering, "Don't stop! Keep going!" He got back to business just as Lane #1 got into high gear and quickly swam another 1/3 of the pool length. Lane #5 was trying so hard and was finally making some good progress, but Al was still in the lead. We were so excited that he might actually win. What fun! Then Lane #1 geared up again and at the last minute, swam to the finish ahead of Alec. But when Alec touch the wall, he was so proud and happy and really liked that everyone there was cheering for him like crazy. I had to leave before they awarded the ribbons but Jenna called me later and said that they gave Alec a First Place Ribbon because he had kept on going, and Lane #1 boy had held onto the ropes to rest. I think perhaps he got a First Place Ribbon, too. I sure hope so anyway.
A year or so ago, Alec got on this kick that he wanted a trophy. Finally Jenna ordered a "loving cup" type trophy and had it inscribed ALEC OLIPHANT - FUTURE PIXAR ILLUSTRATOR 2012 or something like that. But just think, now he has really and truly earned an award for a job well done.
For you strange people who are waiting for pictures of braids and tufts of hair tied up with pink ribbons, we are still working on that. Perhaps tomorrow we might have something wonderfully odd to show all you sick tickets that are waiting on us silly people to go through with it. :) We'll see.
It might not hurt if you keep crossing your fingers for a little longer until Dad settles down a bit. See . . . I have no qualms about begging for prayers and favors from all you guys. For some reason, your help always seems to work.