T.A. Barron
I like that - a place in the pattern. So true for all of us.
Hey, Jenna mentioned a while back, about considering getting a team around for the October Cancer Walk held in Cedar Rapids. As we talked about before in this blog, we have participated in the walks in the past for one of her friends, who has unfortunately passed away from breast cancer.
I am not sure if I just want to walk, or to actually con a bunch of my friends into walking their little tushies off for a good cause, as a team. Sandi F. sent me a link to the song "OVERCOMER" by Mandisa (Google it and watch it on YouTube), which I really love. Would anyone like to be charter members of the OVERCOMER CLUB? Or we could of course wear pink T-shirts and go as the PINK LADIES (a take-off of the girls' club from the movie GREASE and pink being the official color for the breast cancer organization). One name I don't think would be too cheery is CANCER DANCERS, but to tell you the truth, I did write down a few thoughts about this when I was first diagnosed and was going through a very dark, sad period and I'll share some of it with you.
When an Indian tribe observed Lieutenant John Dunbar frolicking with a wolf out on the prairie, they dubbed him DANCES WITH WOLVES. If he had been spotted dashing away from the pack, screaming like a little girl, could he have possibly been stuck with the title STUPID MONGREL RUNS WITH TAIL BETWEEN LEGS? Nicknames can be very descriptive.
When I first learned that I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (breast cancer) the words Cancer Dancer popped into my mind. At first, those two words shocked me. What was I thinking? - it made the situation sound as if I was going to be a willing partner in a very serious relationship. It gave the impression that I would be slithering seductively around a dark figure, waving a perfumed scarf under its nose, doing my best to get its full attention. Uh . . . nope!
My thoughts were more along the lines of anger and sadness. Cancer had crashed my party and had come to dance! Okay - if dancing was required, I would dance - oh, boy, would I dance! How about if we start with the KILL-THE-BIG-C STOMP? I think so.
Get ready to rock and roll, kids.
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At this point of the game, looking back, I can see what a fantastic dance ensemble that has come to my rescue and I appreciate each and every one who has helped me. Thanks.