Howdy, pardners! The last few weeks have been dull. Nothing much happening. Except for this.
Went down to the basement and noticed this old vase sitting on a shelf amongst other junk. What the heck was in it???? I'll tell you later
OMG! It is almost one of the very best times of the year. PEEPS-time. Yup, every year when it gets closer to Easter, my beloved Peeps are on the local grocery store shelves.. Sister Karen and I are the only ones I know of that appreciate the sugary, crunchy, mushy-centered treats. And they are on sale!
Like I said, not much happening, but I did get a few pictures of our Woodbridge Haven building. The actual building is totally finished, but I am now in the process of finding furniture and decorations. I haunt all the local second-hand stores and have found some real finds. We have not totally finished getting accredited for accepting payments from Waivers, so it will be a bit before we open the doors. In the meantime, I am planning on renting the space out for small venues . . . like baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties. You know, something to help pay the utilities until we move the business in for good.
We have had offers from different ones to help us with the landscaping as soon as Spring is really here. It is going to look so pretty around the building. Can't wait!
Okay, I'm sure you have probably guessed what was in the vase in the picture.. Right? ewww. It was a bat! It evidently fell into the vase and since the vase tapered to a narrower part at the bottom, it got stuck! I put a watering can over the top in case it was still alive, and then realized that if it was still alive, I was probably smothering it. Do bats hibernate? Maybe he was just sleeping. Anyhoo, I had Hubby come down and carry it outside. The only thing we can imagine is that he got in by flying down the chimney.
And how is your day going?