Crap! I think I am losing my big toe nails. I bumped my right foot this morning, and when I looked down the skin on the top of my toe by the quick, is kinda black. When I touched the nail, it moved all the way down to the nail bed. Yipes. The left toe looks the same way. I think something odd has been going on for a while because me toenails have been hurting.
The last time I had chemo, there was a woman also getting her infusion, and I noticed that all ten of her fingers were bandaged. I'm sure she was self-conscious about it, because she went out of her way to begin a conversation with me, and ended up telling me that ALL her fingernails had fallen off. I vaguely remember reading something about that that might happen. Well, I have nail polish on my toenails, and I am dreading removing it later to see what the actual nails look like. I know I was advised to use fingernail polish all through chemo, to avoid getting dark colored nails. This is just going to be really creepy if they do fall off. I guess I will be wearing sandals or flip flops a lot.
I have been so busy, I didn't take time to post anything lately. Lon and I went to the farm Saturday, and nephew Jared, Ken, Jill, nephew Mitch, sis Judy and my Catelyne worked, cleaning things up and washing and sorting more stuff for the auction in July. Cate did us all a favor and mowed the yard for 2 1/2 hours. That was a huge help. I hadn't seen her since Dad's funeral so it was good to spend some time with her again. When I picked her up at her house to go to the farm, she insisted on driving. She did a really good job.. By the way, she is going to Annapolis Maryland next week (to the Naval Academy) for seven days. She was the only Iowa student chosen. She had to apply, and she was lucky enough to be one of the l00 kids picked from the entire country. Her area of study while there, is chemistry. My Abby girl had gone to a graduation party with her mom so she didn't join us at the farm.
I have been busy around my own house, too. I have figured out that I had better get my junk in order. I don't want my kids having to contend with all my stuff, when I am gone. I have also been sorting through years and years of Dad's paperwork. It's kinda interesting to read cards that he got over the years, and see different pictures taken. He has tons of paperwork from his delivery business and records from his farming days. I even found a sack of cards and letters that were my Mom's father's. Mom must have brought them home when her father passed away. Anyhoo, Grandpa and my grandmother were separated for decades. In the meantime, Grandpa found a new love and spent the majority of his life with her. Reading some of the notes and cards that he and her exchanged over the years were very touching and it looks like they definitely were the true soul mates for each other. Of course, because of this new love, we didn't see much of Grandpa over the years, since it was rather a family scandal, but it touched my heart when I read what those two felt for each other. Such is life.
We have advertised the farm for sale. It seems like there is a lot of interest in it. I had a woman call me at 7:45 Sunday morning, all excited, wanting to know more about the farm. She must have just read her Gazette. Thank goodness I was already up and about.
Did I mention that Daniel is engaged? He and the girl he moved to Minnesota to be with, are going to be married a year from September.
Just got done giving Roschelle and Roxy a bath. Both of them were looking kinda matted and dull. I wore Roxy to church Sunday, and a lovely lady who lives in China was back visiting, and when I talked to her, she said ,"My goodness, you're looking . . . okay." I guess Roxy was letting me down in the appearance department. As I mentioned before, the wind is really rough on wigs, and this year has been so windy, that I can hardly keep my "hair" on my head. Also, have to mention that while I wait PATIENTLY for new hair growth, I have decided that I look just like Mr Clean. Yup, put me in a white T-shirt and white cotton slacks, and I could pass for him.
You know how I nick-named my Nina. Best friend, sister-in-law, and partner in crime. Well, I have a new name for her . . . Club Foot. She whacked her foot and broke her little toe plus a bone on the top of her foot. Now she has to wear one of those huge boot thingies that straps on with all kinds of big Velcro straps. In the past I have described her as a " power walker"., and by golly, she can still out pace me even wearing the boot!
Note! My sunflowers are coming up! It is going to be so exciting to see what kind of flower bed it will look like when they get taller. Yay!
One more note: I went into town today and had to buy some more jeans and capris. I've dropped another butt size. Whoo Hoo! However, when my taste buds come back into action, I'll probably be the same size I was before. But for now, it's fun being smaller than I have been in years. Just remember, I do NOT recommend this way of losing weight.. The "Cancer"' Diet is not the best way to do it.