John F. kennedy
HUGE NOTE: My nephew Rob, (sister Sandy's son - say THAT three times!) went into the hospital this last week with a heart issue. His blood pressure was 170/150 and he was retaining a large amount of water. He lost 16 pounds of water-weight. It looks like everything is going to work out fine, but he will have to be on medication the rest of his life, to help one side of his heart.Thank goodness all is turning out for the good. Hopefully, he will be home Sunday or Monday.
Thursday night Jenna, Alec, and I went to Iowa State College at Ames for the night. We stayed in a room at a hotel which looked like it was once a dorm. On Friday Alec was participating in the Special Olympics - swimming with a floatation device. He came home with a gold medal. I hope Jenna will post his picture on this blog. When we first got to the swimming arena, Alec was a little upset . Jenna asked him what was wrong and his answer was "Scared". Aren't we all, if we have to perform in front of hundreds of people? Well, the events went on and on and on. Guess what, Al's event was second to last for the morning session! So we were all just about pooped out. Alec's part-time, after-school nanny, Sam, came from Grinnell to watch him and brought a really neat sign to hold up, to encourage him as he swam his race.
As time went on, he was really getting worn out with anticipation and such. When he got really crabby, Jenna asked him if he wanted to go home. His answer was a definite "NO!" I guess he had come to participate and by golly, he was going to get his turn. In the end, he liked his gold medal, but I don't think it impressed him all that much. I think the important thing to him was that he came to do a job, and he did it! I am so proud of him.
Friday night we went to Kalina McBurney's graduation party. Now, she is niece Tina's daughter, and what did I tell you about the McBurneys putting on a party for their kids' graduations? What a beautiful setting they had in their huge yard, and then inside the old sawmill, decorations, pictures, and wonderful food.They really did a nice job and Kalina was greeting each guest as they arrived. I know Tina worked her butt off, and it hasn't been that long since she had major surgery. Sure hope she didn't overdo herself.
I was so happy to see some friends that I haven't been lucky enough to be around, for a while. Cami M., Mary Sue R., and several others.
Lon and I went out to the Dad's farm yesterday (Saturday) and mowed and trimmed some. If we don't keep right on it, the grounds will get away from us and that will really be a big job to fix. Ken's family has been working on the yard, too., so hopefully we can keep things looking good until we sell the property. Ken has been doing a ton of work out on the farm, and it shows. He's getting some of the buildings cleaned out and has hauled away a bunch of junk. I think Jill and I are going to tackle the house this afternoon.
Lon and I went out last night. When looking in the visor mirror in the truck, I thought I looked a little different. Then I realized I had again, forgotten to draw on eyebrows. I looked like that girl in the movie THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATOO (minus the nose piercing, black Mohawk hairdo, and of course, the dragon tattoo - just no eyebrows.)