Not a whole lot of anything going on, which is just fine with me. The sun continues to shine and the mud is drying up, so I feel gooood. Yup, it's getting warmer.
I have stuck with my "bucket list" plan and am working hard to clean closets, cupboards, etc. to get rid of stuff I have held on to for years. I've decided if I haven't used it in quite a while, it's gone! It's amazing how better you feel when there is less chaos around you. Try it. As Marie Kondo emphasizes --- being tidy is joyful.
Lots of medical reports about people you do not know, but are close to me. Sister Karen went under the knife to get her torn rotary cuff (?) repaired. Remember how she was run over by a pallet-loaded flat cart in one of the big box stores, before Christmas? She toughed through the surgery and is doing well, but she is probably going to have problems using her left arm for the rest of her life. Then wonderful cousins, Deb and Connie both got sliced-and-diced this week. Deb with her back and Connie got a hip replaced. Yup, that's what us old broads do. Maintenance is everything when you get to be our age. grrrrrr
Here's something I'm sure you have been waiting for (kidding). The latest flowers put on my parents grave. Bear with me. I couldn't change them out for Christmas because . . . well, I was stuck in the house. There was no way I could go out in the snow and ice, and walk across a rural cemetery with a broken leg. So Ma and Pa had to put up with the fall decorations until yesterday. Sisters Sandy and Karen live far enough away, so this is the only way they get to see what the flowers look like .
I've been working on something else that is on my bucket list. sigh I have finally been sending some of my kids' stories to a wonderful agency, to try and snag an agent. It's tough. Or, maybe, my work stinks. But it is doing something! Time's running out, Kids. I love to sit at my computer and just start writing. Sometimes, after a long period of time, I stop and read what I have just written. The time has flown by, and I don't even realize what I've put down on paper until I read it back. Cool!
Easter will be here before we know it. Sunday, after church, one of my dear friends, Connie (not cousin Connie with the hip replacement, but whom has also has given me wonderful gifts in the past), gave me a gift bag. Just to be nice. I think she was concerned about the Mayo Clinic visit and was cheering me up. She did! What a sweet thing to do. Look.
The latest Hair Report: I have gone through the Mike Pence look, then on to the punk rock star Billy Idol (previously, I mistakenly called him Sid Vicious who incidentally has dark black hair!), and now that my hair has grown a teensy tiny bit more, I am now resembling the late Barbara Bush. It is really taking a long time to come back this time. I guess it is because I am still taking the chemo pills. Only three more months and that will be over.
I do have to go in and have a chest CT scan next month for a nodule that was detected on my last PET scan. It did not sparkle (indicate cancer) on the film, so it is probably not anything to worry about. I'll be concerned about that only if the test gives me something to be worried about. Right?
Well, I must get back to work. There is still a ton of crap to go through to pitch, set aside for the Goodwill, or find a place to store it. Marie Kondo, where are you when I need ya, Girl??????