Hi, everybody! I am trying hard not to be a Wendy Whiner. Yup, that's what I've been up to lately. Whining. I can't seem to stop. And what's funny about this, is that I'm whining about teeny tiny stupid things. For example, the other night I was cutting up vegetables for a salad. All of a sudden, WHAM! I sliced my left thumb (I'm a right-hander so that makes sense that I was cutting with my right hand and cut the left thumb--oh, you get the picture!). No big deal, right? But later I found out how very, very important my left thumb is to me. Did you know that you have one heck of a time buttoning a shirt or blue jeans when your thumb has got a jagged, deep cut in it? Oh, and pushing the buttons on the TV remote with that hand, because you are holding a phone or a tablet in your right. Where you push the buttons is exactly where my gash was. Torture!
Another thing I have been stewing about is my face. In October, after waiting three months to get a stinking appointment date, I went to a dermatologist because I have some dark spots from sun damage that are driving me nuts. AND I had this ginormous knot on my face under my left eye. I appeared suddenly on July 3rd. I remember. And it grew and grew until this ugly growth was really looking bad. Well, after I finally got in to see Dr. McUseless, he informed me cheerfully that the dark spots were from sun damage (ya think?) and also the knot was another form of sun damage. (I don't think so). Actually, I was very relieved to find out that it wasn't skin cancer. Anyhoo, when I asked him what could be done to get rid of these unsightly problems, guess what he said? You're gonna love this. "You are just overthinking this too much. Your glasses frame conceals the knot somewhat, and your hair falls forward to hide the dark spots on the side of your face."
Wha . . . ?
He finally wrote me a prescription for a $80.00 tube of "poor man's face peel". I tried it and it burned like the dickens. I have since tried it again, but only after looking on line to see what the best procedure was in applying it. It helps if you mix a pea-size dab of the medicine and a similar dab of moisturizer together. That way the stuff spreads easier and doesn't burn like hell! ooops
So far it isn't doing much, but I made an appointment with another doctor for the end of this month to see if there is some lazar treatment or some other kind of treatment that would help me. I've been waiting FOUR months to get in to this guy. sigh
Then there's my hair. Since I have been growing it out, it is so thick and heavy that it has decided to part on the top backside of my head. I have a cowlick (you know, one of those swirly things where your hair grows in a small circle). It literally looks like I have a hole in my mop of hair. Hubby is constantly telling me, "You need to brush your hair. You've got a hole back there." Excuse me!
Can you believe that I have been fussing and fuming about such trivial things? But then I got to thinking about some really tough problems. I feel so bad for those people in Puerto Rico. It appears that some of them still have no clean water to drink. And if clean water is at a premium, can you imagine not taking a bath or washing your hair for long periods of time? Or clean clothes. Or having water to cook and clean up what they still have. That must be a luxury that so many of those people are dreaming about.
The news is full of people that are so much more unfortunate than I will ever be. And it sounds like a lot of them are taking it all in stride, waiting and hoping for better times ahead, but in the meantime, getting on with life. That takes a lot of courage and strength to go through all those horrible predicaments.
So, I have decided to "put on my big girl panties" and deal with my petty issues. But I thought you might like to see how Little J demonstrates my issues. So I have supplied visuals for your amusement.