Booker T. Washington
Is it possible? Has a few minutes of Spring arrived? Whoo hoo. I can't remember the last nice, warm Easter Day. We went over to Nina's for lunch and her granddaughters had fun with an Easter Egg Hunt. Then Jenna and Alec came out and rode the 4-wheeler (without getting freezing wind burn).
After church, I went to visit Dad at The Club and took him some homemade fudge. He was just dozing in his chair. Since it was lunchtime, I tried to convince him to go to the dining room for something to eat. He refused, saying his throat hurt (thyroid problems he says) and his stomach wasn;t feeling the best. After much coaxing by me and one of the nurses, they just finally brought him in a tray of applesauce and soup, with juice, which he did not eat. He began to talk a lot about when he was in his thirties and all the things that went on when he worked at Iowa Manufacturing in C.R. Interesting. I finally left, when I realized that nephew Mark was coming to get him around 4PM to take him to his Dad's for Easter.
I have been getting wonderful encouragement to strengthen me up for the last chemo session coming up in a few weeks. I keep thinking about what I went through the M.R.I experience and how incredibly awful it was, and somehow that keeps bugging me, I know I only have to tough through ten minutes of the freezer-pop/ice cubes experience, but it is still creeping me out. Ten minutes. TEN MEASELY MINUTES. You guys must all be saying thinking that this is one of the weirdest things to fuss about. Throughout all the chemo treatments, I had only had to take three or four nausea pills and then, that only happened when I had a very slight indication that I felt queasy. Now, whenever I think about the dreaded popsicles or ice cubes, I fell crappy and have taken them more often. what a wimp
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. All in all, mine went pretty darn good. Well, get out there and enjoy the nice warm weather. Me, I'm going to start thinking about where I am going to plant some stuff. I will be transplanting some more of the hostas from the farm. I started hauling some home last year, since the beds at Dad's are too crowded but I have plenty of yard space to get more going here at home. Nice