Today's quote is in reference to a little accident I had last week. While spending time at Jenna's house, her little dog, Myles, had tummy trouble and yacked up some mucus slobber on the floor. I didn't see it and skidded in it, smashing my left arm into a wall and jamming my left big toe straight into another wall. Yes, People, I damaged my big toe nail again!!!! For a few days, I thought my toe was broken, but I think it is just bruised really bad. I was concerned about being able to walk, since tomorrow Nina and I fly off for our little vay cay, and that involves a lot of walking.
Anyhoo, I had trouble explaining to people exactly what had happened, so I drew a little story board for your amusement.
When I titled this post OH, DEAR! OH, DEER! I wanted to show you a few more pictures.
This is what we saw out our living room window a few days ago. Sure looked pretty.