Well, Halloween was yesterday. Hope you all had a nice time. We only had about six trick-or-treaters, so I'm left with a big bowl of candy...which I can't even taste. Oh, sure, I tried a piece. Oh, my. I know my taste buds aren't acting normally yet, and everything tastes weird. But when I indulged in a tiny (and I mean TINY) Butterfingers, it was pretty disgusting. I mentioned it to sister Sandy about the quality of chocolate nowadays, and she agreed. I consider myself a connoisseur of chocolate, since I've eaten a ton of it during my lifetime. Two of the highlights of my life were visiting the Ghiradelli Candy Factory in San Francisco and the Hersheys Chocolate Factory in Pennsylvania. Yum!
But it's true. They sure make crappy candy anymore. And the treat-size bars are half what they used to be.
That's why I always make my own chocolate covered peanuts and fudge during the holidays.
Hey, I didn't take the time to post last week on October 25th, about my yearly anniversary on quitting smoking ( its been seven years now), but if you haven't heard the story how I quit a 41-year habit of chain-smoking, in a split second, you can go into the archives of this blog an look up the June 9, 2014 "Miracle" post.
I was scanning through some of my old posts from over the past four years, and had to grimace when I read the March 22, 2014 entry about not ever having a sequel to the original "cancer blog"., 'cause I was definitely done...done...done with the breast cancer battle and I had won! The plan was just to report about everyday stuff. That didn't quite work out for me, did it? Sooo...since I am almost over all my treatments (only ten more radiation sessions!) for this second cancer battle, I will soon be declaring "This is officially, absolutely, truly the last "cancer" blog I will write. Only regular, everyday normal stuff." Okay?
Another old post that I took note of was dated May 5, 2017, when my alter-ego, Little J., was illustrated falling down the stairs. I have actually taken those drawings to my doctors to show them what happened. Yup, in three little pictures, it tells them exactly what happened to me.
I am going to a nerve specialist later this month. Perhaps they can figure out why I am limping so badly. (Did I mention that I now have a Handicapped Person parking tag? And I use it a lot!). It is basically the nerves on the front of my legs, about ten inches up from the knees. It doesn't hurt while sitting or lying down, but taking steps hurts like crazy. The movement of lifting each leg makes the muscles or nerves on the front of each leg painful. So, there I am, flinging each leg out stiffly and tottering about. And it doesn't help that the bottoms of my feet are going numb. Jeeze!
NOTE: I am starting "Janene's Book Club". The first, and perhaps the last, book I am reviewing is titled "ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE". Sis-in-law Nina bought it because of the Oliphant name and was curious about the story. Okay. To be perfectly frank, the blurbs on the actual book declare that it is beautifully written and very funny. Uh...not so much. Oh, it is definitely well-written, but it is very dark and not amusing at all. It really kept my attention and was a page-turner, but...well... here's the Spoiler Alert. Eleanor Oliphant is NOT completely fine! One scary gal! On a scale of one to ten, I give it a solid seven. (PLEASE REALIZE THAT THIS THE OPINION OF ONLY ONE PERSON WHO IS NOT A PROFESSIONAL REVIEWER).
Last week-end was very busy for The Woodbridge Building. I had a Tag Sale on Friday. Then, there was a gorgeous baby shower on Saturday. Cousin Lisa was putting on a party for Second Cousin Stephanie's soon-to-be daughter. They decorated the event room beautifully.
(Do you think I dare suggesting that Stephanie name her baby girl ROGER?????? (refer to previous posts if you don't know what in the heck I am talking about).
Okay, I want you all to try really hard to either vote early or vote next Tuesday. It is our duty, our honor, and our privilege to be able to do this. Thanks.